When, where, and to whom do God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven come? About 2,000 years ago, God and the kingdom of heaven, promised in the Old Testament, came to Jesus. God, Jesus, and heaven who came at the First Coming and left (Acts 1:9-11) did not come until now.
Then when and where will this happen? What will be the sign of the Second Coming?
When Jesus came and left, he answered all of the questions that are written above. Not knowing this means that something is wrong with your faith. God made known future events to Siddhartha, who was a gentile, because God saw him make an effort to know it. Why then wouldn’t God make it known to His dear children if they seek it? God wrote the Bible before believers desired it to make it known to them. Therefore, believers who don’t know should repent for their lazy faith.
Apostle Paul describes Jesus' Second Coming in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. When Jesus comes, believers will be gathered to him. However, certain things must take place before he returns. As it is recorded "to not become easily unsettled or alarmed, whether it be through spirit, word, or letter saying that the Lord has come." Also, there were warnings saying that the savior does not come until the event of betrayal and the sons of destruction appear. This means that betrayal and destruction must come first before the Second Coming of Jesus.

Matthew chapter 24 records the signs of Jesus’ coming and of the end of the age. Jesus said, "First they will deceive you and many will turn away from the faith. At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. This is what false prophets and antichrists say" (Mt 24:1-5, 23-24). He also said, “See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Mt 24:25).
So how will Jesus come then? As lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so would be the coming of the Son of Man (Mt 24:27), meaning that Jesus comes in the spirit. Jesus further explained the sign of his Second Coming and the end of the age, saying that 'there will be war in the temple with the gentile who will destroy the chosen people and stand in the holy place, and the sun, moon, and stars will darken and fall (the destruction of the chosen people).' At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory (Mt 24:15-22, 29-31). This means that Jesus will come after the signs regarding his coming appear. Jesus comes with the angels and harvests from all directions (Mt 24:31). The faithful and wise servant gives them their food at the proper time and Jesus puts him in charge of all his possessions (Mt 24:45-47). This is the way and the signs of Jesus’ coming.
As seen in Revelation (Chapters 1, 2, 3), Jesus first sends the seven stars (messengers) that prepare the way, and Satan’s Nicolaitans enter the temple of the messenger who prepares the way and causes the congregation members of the tabernacle to eat food sacrificed to idols and commit adultery. At this time, Jesus chooses his advocate and commands him to send letters to the seven messengers that prepare the way, telling them to repent. The content of the letter was a conditional promise that states, 'If you fight and overcome Satan’s Nicolaitans, I will give you the blessings written in Revelation 2, 3.' God, Jesus, and heaven comes down to the one who overcomes (Revelation 3:12), and he is entrusted with everything that has been prophesied.
The place where the events of Revelation 2, 3 take place is the same as that spoken of in Revelation 6, 8, 8, 11, 13, 12, 16, 17, 18--tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands. Also, Satan's Nicolaitans in Revelation 2 are the beast of the dragon's group in Revelation 13. These are also those that fight and defeat the congregation members of the tabernacle and place a mark on their foreheads and make them worship the idol that was made for the beast. The destruction of the congregation members of the tabernacle who betrayed when they receive the mark of the beast and worship the idol is described as the darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars (Mt 24:29, Rv 6:12-14). How can the people of the world know this?
Unless one receives revelation from heaven, not even those that were present at the place and time of the events can know. Only the messenger of the Lord, the advocate, who was chosen and who saw and heard all the events can know it. Then believers can also know about the betrayer, destroyer, and the savior by receiving the revelation through the messenger sent by Jesus. Jesus sends his angel to give people this testimony for the churches (Rv 22:16). Then believers hear the advocate’s word and see the physical fulfillment of the prophecies and those who believe this obtain salvation.
Who is the 'one who overcomes' as mentioned in Revelation 2, 3? The one that overcomes is the child born of the woman clothed with the sun in the tabernacle of heaven. This child (male) is one who, together with his brothers, fought and overcame the group of Satan. The dragon's group came into the tabernacle of heaven and caused people to eat food sacrificed to idols and commit adultery. They are defeated by the child and the brothers, and are expelled from the tabernacle of heaven. From here on, the child and his brothers do the work of God's kingdom and salvation. The child overcame by Jesus' blood and the word of testimony. God, Jesus, and heaven that are promised in Revelation 2, 3 descend upon the one who overcomes. The one who overcomes also receives the promised manna, white stone, ecclesiastical authority to rule, and reigns with Jesus on his throne
As seen in Revelation chapter 12, just as Jesus overcame in heaven, those in the tabernacle of heaven on earth (the promised pastor, ‘the one who overcomes;’ and his brothers) who belong to Jesus overcome and God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. This is the way and the sign of Jesus' Second Coming, and makes known onto whom God, Jesus, and the kingdom of heaven come down (Rv 14:1-5).
Let's believe in God and the Word and receive salvation. All believers here on earth must become the people of heaven by coming to the One who Overcomes on whom God, Jesus, and heaven descended. I sincerely pray that you receive God's kingdom and salvation.
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