Where is the true path to faith, and who is the true teacher of faith?

The path to heaven that God has shown us is the Holy Scriptures, and the true teacher that we must follow is also the Holy Scriptures. This teacher and this path are the only true ones. How can one be called a believer if he does not follow this teacher and path but instead follows a flesh and what the flesh says? The lives that the flesh (man) leads result in straying far from the true word and teacher (i.e. the word) and in making their own paths onto which they lead others. Then they claim that their teachings are orthodox. In a world like this, would the laws made by these self-proclaimed Gods allow the revelation, that is, the true path of God, to be testified (2 Thes 2:4, 9-12)? Jesus said that no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him, and that knowing God is eternal life (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3). The world today has met the promised era of harvest (the end of the age) (Mt 13:39-40), but as the revelation and the work of the Holy Spirit has been stopped (in the world of believers), no one knows this. This is why each church practices their faith out of habit and their own thinking. It has become night where there is no light of truth (Jn 9:4; Lk 18:8; 1 Thes 5:1-3). The spiritual sun, moon and stars have darkened and fallen from the sky (Rv 6:12-14; Mt 24:29), and the life of faith that started in the Spirit has returned to the flesh (Gal 3:3).
After 2,000 years of night since Jesus gave his promise, that promise is finally fulfilled as prophesied. Just as how the promised revelation came to Apostle Paul (Gal 1:11-12), how it came to Apostle John (Rv 1:1-3), and how it came to Jesus at the First Coming (Mt 11:27), the promised revelation has come to us in this night as the true light. This revelation is passed on from God’s hand to Jesus (Rv 5:1-7), from Jesus’ hand to the angel (Rv 10:1-2), from the angel’s hand to the promised pastor, the one who overcomes (Rv 10:8-11), and is finally passed on from the promised pastor to the promised servants, the 144,000 of the twelve tribes, and to the great multitude in white robes, as life and the light (Rv 1:1-2; 10:1-11). This is the long-awaited rain in the drought. This is the promised word of God, but will one believe it? I ask this to those who have let go of God and his word and instead are believing and following the flesh of man (pastor).
This is the final and last revelation, and without believing this, there is no salvation. This revelation has come to Shinchonji Church of Jesus today. I advise you to come out of the darkness, into the light, believe, and be saved (1 Thes 5:1-9).
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