Am I a person that has been harvested or a weed that has not been harvested as written in Matthew 13:24-30, 37-40?
Am I a person born of God's seed and reborn or not (refer to Jn3:1-8)?
Am I a person who resurrected from death to life or not, as said in John 5:24-29?
Do I know the bread of life 'hidden manna' (Rv2:17)?
Have I seen the end of the former heaven church era as mentioned in Revelation 6, 13, 21, and Matthew 24?
Have I been harvested and sealed as in Revelation 7 or not?
Have I seen the harvested and sealed firstfruits that belong to God's new kingdom - the twelve tribe?
Have I heard the song that only 144,000 can learn in Relevation 14?
Do I belong to group of God's priests and the great multitude of white through the blood of Jesus mentioned in Revelation 5 and 7, Or not?
Have I heard and kept the words preached by the person who received the book in Revelation 10?
Do I know the three mysteries in the Book of Revelation which are the betrayer, destroyer and savior?
Have I seen the people in Revelation who received the three plagues?
Did I see the one who overcomes that fights with the dragon's group and wins using Jesus' blood and the words of testimony in Revelation 12?
As seen in Revelation 12, there was a war between the child (man) that the woman bore and his brothers against the dragon which the child won and brought God's kingdom and salvation. Do you think there was salvation before this? Do you know where the place that these overcomers are at? Like in time of Noah, Lot, and Jesus' first coming, do you think you will receive salvation by boasting? Isn’t it time for you to examine yourself?
Do I know the place where the kings and evil spirits gathered under heaven in Revelation 16?
Would the new heaven and earth of Revelation 21 receive salvation, or first heaven and earth?
Have I heard the words of the messenger that Jesus sent to his churches to fulfill the promises in Revelation (Rv22:16)?
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