Brief explanations on the World Peace, Festival Restoration of Light Culture and Sports
World peace and restoration of light will be accomplished through the 6th World Peace Festival, which was co-hosted by Shincheonji and MANNAM International Volunteer Association. Below is the brief rundown on the events and the scenes of the festival on the day it was held.
The Millennial Gate is opened as the countdown is finished. Two representatives of Shincheonji and MANNAM enter through that gate while holding their hands and shouting hurray together. Their hope-filled footsteps are radiant, and all the spectators are welcoming the two representatives with hearty greetings.
After the entry of the two people, the athletes from the twelve tribes of Shincheonji—who look like the heavenly warriors clothed in twelve different colors—and MANNAM International athletes clothed in white uniforms are bravely entering with the images of the four living creatures in heaven and their distinct music instrument ahead of them. Their marching is as brave as warriors, and their multi-colored clothing as magnificent as flowers in the garden.
The entry is followed by hopeful and life-filled opening speeches from the two representatives, the mass game performance by 2,000 people, and the card performances by 12,000 people. Simultaneously the twelve tribes and MANNAM International are cheering for their own teams, and it is as if they are creating 13 different colored waves all over the sports stadium. Simply put, the entire scene is portraying all the events from the Book of Revelation, and it is truly the culture that heaven is only able to show to people.
An angel receives fire of the holy spirit from heaven. He passes it on to the promised messenger (pastor, Man Hee Lee). The promised messenger passes it on to the leaders of the twelve tribes. The twelve tribe leaders shoot the twelve flames of fire to the torch stand like arrows. The flames of the holy spirit are arising high in the sky. The flame of the torch has been ignited for the first time in 24 years since the same stadium held the 1988 Seoul Olympics. People around the world are watching the lit torch at the stadium and through the Internet live broadcast. The fire of the holy spirit is entering into the eyes of everyone, who is watching the torch stand. The hearts and the thoughts of people, who have just received the fire through their eyes, are being united as one with the fire of peace. They are shouting and shouting with cheer. This amazing unity is now being portrayed by the writings and pictures of the mass game and of the card performances. Peaceful shouts are emerging from all people.
More of the peaceful messages are being adding from the congratulatory speeches from the special advisor of the president and other VIP guests from all over the world. Soon after all the speeches are finished, the gigantic mass game begins to show the fulfillment of the book of Revelation. The group of the dragon, which symbolizes Satan, invades heaven. Heaven is symbolic of the tabernacle of God’s chosen people, portrayed as the golden lampstand. The invasion of the dragon is followed by the destruction of the tabernacle of heaven. The messenger of heaven witnesses the entire event. He shoots an arrow and destroys the group of the dragon. The dragon splits into seven pieces and is scattered into seven ways. As the messenger of heaven puts the war to an end, a strong roar of victory fills up the whole stadium. 200,000 spectators inside and outside the stadium are being unified as one like the flowers of heaven.
The messenger of heaven receives the revealed scroll coming from heaven and shouts its message like a loud trumpet call. The trumpet sound gathers all people around the world, and the grand festival of God, World Peace Festival, Restoration of Light Culture and Sports, finally begins.
In the afternoon, another mass game is performed with the theme of the unification of the divided Korea. Back in 1950, a tragic Korean War broke out on June 25. North Korean soldiers were forcing their way down to the southern part of Korea and occupied the land except the region of Busan in South Korea. South Koreans, with the help of the UN soldiers, pushed their way towards north and were able to reach Mt. Backdoo. As soon as they reached the far northern side, Chinese soldiers intervened, and the South Koreans had to step back and move down to the 38th Parallel.
The whole world is paying their close attention to Korea. All of sudden, there is a trumpet sound that announces the culture from heaven. The trumpet call transforms people of the world into the doves of peace. These doves push their way upwards with the Declaration of the Unification of Korea Monument ahead of them. Wherever the monument covers turns into the unified land. North and South Korea are unified, and the world puts war to an end. The festival of God, which promotes world peace, begins.
There are 200,000 spectators watching this festival through two gigantic screens inside the stadium and three other ample ones outside the stadium! The sound of their cheer shakes the sky. The seats are all filled up from morning till evening. When the sun goes down, everyone turns on their lanterns, and they twinkle beautifully like stars in the night sky. All the eyes that look at these little sparkling lights are filled with so much inspiration. It starts to drizzle late at night as if it were the tears of the deceased souls, who knew the tragedy of war, but now rejoice over the end of war.
The twelve tribes are joyfully engaged in the festival of the sun, moon, and stars of heaven. Twelve colored angels are gathering to the stadium like butterflies that smelled the flowers of heaven. Everyone hugs and dances together. The sonorous sounds of different drums lift up every one's hearts and make people feel that they are walking on the clouds. Shincheonji and MANNAM create unity where there is no high or low among people, and where a king and a servant becomes one. Lastly, they play the scene of the wedding banquet of heaven. It is indeed the site of the accomplishment of the world peace and the restoration of light!
All the events are translated into seven different languages and are broadcast live to the whole world through Internet broadcasting. International reporters around the world also air the show to their own countries. The citizens around the world, who watch the festival, put up bright and hopeful expressions on their faces. Now they are busy inviting Shinchonji and MANNAM over to their own countries. Furthermore, Shincheonji and MANNAM produced DVDs of the world peace festival and sent them to all countries in the world. They are looking forward to hearing from the presidents and broadcasting station officials, who watched the festival of God, the festival that truly promotes world peace and restores the lost light.
World peace and restoration of light have been seen by heaven and earth. The globe will be united as one, and world peace will be attained. The lost light will be restored in our generation.
Shincheonji stands for "New Heaven and New Earth," with the meaning of the new tabernacle and new congregational members. (2 Peter 3:13, Mt 13:31-32, Rv 14:1-5, Rv 15:2-5) Just as Moses built the tabernacle on earth as a copy according to what God had shown him in the vision of heaven, today SHINCHEONJI is created on this earth as according to what the Promised Pastor has seen in the spiritual heaven. Therefore, Shincheonji is God's kingdom created on earth as in heaven.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] Brief explanations on the World Peace, Festival Restoration of Light Culture and Sports
Saturday, July 27, 2013
[Shincheonji] The Lecture; Man Hee Lee from the Europe Open Bible Seminar
Due to popular request, the content the lecture from the Europe Open Bible Seminar is presented.
[Purpose of visiting Europe]
Greetings, brothers and sisters in Europe, it is nice to meet you. The message I would like to give to you today is Mt. 24, Mt. 13, and Revelation, the words of God’s promise. I am not here to speak my own words. I am to testify to you the words of the New Testament. I am to let you know that the words of the new covenant, promised by the blood of Jesus in the New Testament, have been fulfilled today by God and Jesus. Whether you believe or not believe, that is in your hands. Though it would easily take over a month to tell you all these things in detail, I will summarize these words for you today.
[Mt 24, Signs of the End of the Age]
Everyone, today is a very important time in which one era is ending and another important era is beginning. In this time, one must have a straight mindset and be deeply rooted in God’s Word.
The war that is spoken of in Mt. 24 can be easily understood if we take a look at the time of the First Coming. At that time, who tried to capture Jerusalem? It was the Pharisees who were called “Satan, snakes,” as tried to capture Jerusalem (Mt 23). Who was working in Jerusalem? Isn’t it the place where John the Baptist, the messenger who prepares the way, was working in?
When the Pharisees threw out John the Baptist and overtook Jerusalem, Jesus fought against them.
With what did Jesus fight with? Did he fight with his fists? Did he fight with the weapons of the world? No, he did not. He fought with “doctrines”. He fought with the Word of God. Therefore, this war was not a war against the Gentile nations but a war against people from the same nation, the Pharisees and Jesus, who had different gods. Jesus delivered the Word of truth to them that was given to him by God, but they fought against Jesus with their own doctrines, teachings, and authority.
Such content is recorded in Mt 23. Mt 24 speaks about the events that occur at the time of Jesus’ Second Coming. Just as such, the war at the end of the age is also a war between doctrines, not a war fought with the weapons of the world.
[Mt 13, Two Types of Seed and Harvest]
Just as God promised Jeremiah the Old Testament prophet, Jesus came and planted God’s seed in this earth. The place where the seeds were planted is in the church, not anywhere else in the world. However, the problem was that Satan, too, planted the weeds among the wheat (Mt 13:24~25).
Now, the time has come for the harvest, but what occurs at the time of harvest? The weeds are tied in bundles to be thrown and be burned in fire, and the wheat are harvested and brought into the barn (Mt 13:30).
Then, what are these two types of seeds? It is clearly written in Mt 13:37~39. The disciples asked Jesus who replied, “The good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one.” It is also said that, “The harvest is the end of the age.” Then, what does it mean by the end of the age? Does it mean that this world will disappear? No. This means that everything belonging to the field where the seed s were sown comes to an end. It is because it is the time of harvest.
[Purpose of visiting Europe]
Greetings, brothers and sisters in Europe, it is nice to meet you. The message I would like to give to you today is Mt. 24, Mt. 13, and Revelation, the words of God’s promise. I am not here to speak my own words. I am to testify to you the words of the New Testament. I am to let you know that the words of the new covenant, promised by the blood of Jesus in the New Testament, have been fulfilled today by God and Jesus. Whether you believe or not believe, that is in your hands. Though it would easily take over a month to tell you all these things in detail, I will summarize these words for you today.
[Mt 24, Signs of the End of the Age]
Everyone, today is a very important time in which one era is ending and another important era is beginning. In this time, one must have a straight mindset and be deeply rooted in God’s Word.
The war that is spoken of in Mt. 24 can be easily understood if we take a look at the time of the First Coming. At that time, who tried to capture Jerusalem? It was the Pharisees who were called “Satan, snakes,” as tried to capture Jerusalem (Mt 23). Who was working in Jerusalem? Isn’t it the place where John the Baptist, the messenger who prepares the way, was working in?
When the Pharisees threw out John the Baptist and overtook Jerusalem, Jesus fought against them.
With what did Jesus fight with? Did he fight with his fists? Did he fight with the weapons of the world? No, he did not. He fought with “doctrines”. He fought with the Word of God. Therefore, this war was not a war against the Gentile nations but a war against people from the same nation, the Pharisees and Jesus, who had different gods. Jesus delivered the Word of truth to them that was given to him by God, but they fought against Jesus with their own doctrines, teachings, and authority.
Such content is recorded in Mt 23. Mt 24 speaks about the events that occur at the time of Jesus’ Second Coming. Just as such, the war at the end of the age is also a war between doctrines, not a war fought with the weapons of the world.
[Mt 13, Two Types of Seed and Harvest]
Just as God promised Jeremiah the Old Testament prophet, Jesus came and planted God’s seed in this earth. The place where the seeds were planted is in the church, not anywhere else in the world. However, the problem was that Satan, too, planted the weeds among the wheat (Mt 13:24~25).
Now, the time has come for the harvest, but what occurs at the time of harvest? The weeds are tied in bundles to be thrown and be burned in fire, and the wheat are harvested and brought into the barn (Mt 13:30).
Then, what are these two types of seeds? It is clearly written in Mt 13:37~39. The disciples asked Jesus who replied, “The good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one.” It is also said that, “The harvest is the end of the age.” Then, what does it mean by the end of the age? Does it mean that this world will disappear? No. This means that everything belonging to the field where the seed s were sown comes to an end. It is because it is the time of harvest.
[Shincheonji News] “The Material for the World Peace is Shincheonji Heavenly Culture"
Interview of Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of Shincheonji
After the 1st and 2nd AEGW journeys and 'The World Peace and Restoration of the Light Cultural Art and Sports Festival', the meeting requests from the summit and the gathering requests from the pastors of many African countries were rushing in.
How many of the believers have been waiting for the fulfillment of the revelation!
For there should be no one who excuses himself for 'Not hearing', the 3rd AEGW journey came as a decision. It also was led by a hope to achieve the world peace through the seed of the truth sown in the land of Africa.
What is Heavenly Culture?
How was the local reaction in Africa?
The press often talks negativity on shincheonji
[Chonjiilbo-Kangsukyung reporter] Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Shincheonji came back from the black continent of Africa after igniting "The Peace Fire" on the land.
Chairman Lee accepted the requests from the African summit and pastors which led to a decision to go on his 3rd 'What Accomplished in the East Goes to the West' (writes AEGW) journey.
'The World Peace and Restoration of the Light Cultural Art and Sports Festival' which was held at Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium last September was aired throughout the continent so he had warm welcome wherever he went. We met him upon his arrival back to Korea on the 18th.
Chairman Lee accepted the requests from the African summit and pastors which led to a decision to go on his 3rd 'What Accomplished in the East Goes to the West' (writes AEGW) journey.
'The World Peace and Restoration of the Light Cultural Art and Sports Festival' which was held at Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium last September was aired throughout the continent so he had warm welcome wherever he went. We met him upon his arrival back to Korea on the 18th.
What was on your mind when you went on the 3rd "AEGW" Journey
After the 1st and 2nd AEGW journeys and 'The World Peace and Restoration of the Light Cultural Art and Sports Festival', the meeting requests from the summit and the gathering requests from the pastors of many African countries were rushing in.
How many of the believers have been waiting for the fulfillment of the revelation!
For there should be no one who excuses himself for 'Not hearing', the 3rd AEGW journey came as a decision. It also was led by a hope to achieve the world peace through the seed of the truth sown in the land of Africa.
What is the detailed measurement in achieving the world peace?
It is through heavenly culture that the world peace and restoration of light becomes possible.Everyone wished for peace but there was no material to truly attain peace with.However, Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth) has the needed material.And Heavenly Culture is it.
What is Heavenly Culture?
God is in spirit so he can not be seen.
Invisible God has made himself seen through writing, which is the Bible.
God`s Word which is the word of the scripture is accomplished to appear as physical reality and that is the Heavenly Culture where words become reality.
Today, Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth) is testifying the reality of accomplished words promised in the book.
Anyone that believes in God according to the scripture, should believe what has been accomplished and become God`s true family.
The whole world should do so.eded material.And Heavenly Culture is it.through the seed of the truth sown in the land of Africa.e wherever he went. We met him upon his arrival back to Korea on the 18th.
Invisible God has made himself seen through writing, which is the Bible.
God`s Word which is the word of the scripture is accomplished to appear as physical reality and that is the Heavenly Culture where words become reality.
Today, Shincheonji (New Heaven New Earth) is testifying the reality of accomplished words promised in the book.
Anyone that believes in God according to the scripture, should believe what has been accomplished and become God`s true family.
The whole world should do so.eded material.And Heavenly Culture is it.through the seed of the truth sown in the land of Africa.e wherever he went. We met him upon his arrival back to Korea on the 18th.
How was the local reaction in Africa?
People were so nice to me wherever I go. In Ethiopia, the president, ministers and I met and we became brothers. The president of South Africa agreed to cooperate to work together for the world peace. At the meeting in South Africa, the local pastor was leading the meeting and another pastor who has thousands of congregation members held my hands and promised me to join in becoming one for the world peace. I went to six interviews in different broadcasting stations in a day. At the breakfast prayer meeting in National assembly building, they offered me an opportunity to sit on the highest sit and give them a speech.
The press often talks negativity on shincheonji
What the reporters should do is to inform the society about what has really happened whether it is good or bad in their countries. Quickly and accurately. We are the NGO volunteer group that works for the world peace. What we are doing is promoting Korea to the world and doing the things that our country is not able to do. However, is it right thing to do to write criticism on the things that they have no full story behind? Being a reporter, he should do what is right for his duty.
Friday, July 26, 2013
[Shincheonji East of West] The below is the reflections from Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Shinchonji Church of Jesus
Reflections after the Journey to Europe
We had received several invitations from our Shincheonji branch churches in Germany — Berlin church, Frankfurt church, and Central Germany church — as well as seminar requests from 350 German and European pastors. Due to the long distance that was needed to travel and the tight schedule we had to follow I had declined the invitation. It seems to me that the pastors in Europe have heard a lot about the reality of Korean Christianity. While the number of the Korean Christians has rapidly dropped due to the corruption of Korean Christianity, Shincheonji (SCJ) has been growing through the testimony of the revealed word, the physical fulfillment of the New Testament. Perhaps it was having heard this the pastors in Europe wanted to listen to the lectures of SCJ, as the church attendance rate in Europe was also very low at this time.
Before I left for Europe, I thought that I would only go if it was God’s will and command, rather than going because of the invitations that I received from several pastors.
We have triumphed according to the Bible, and we have the evidence of victory. We have the greatest truth out of all mankind, the revealed word, which we testify about according to the 5Ws and 1H (who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?). My flesh belongs to the Lord because Jesus purchased me through his own blood (Rv 5:9-10). One day I dreamt that God had permitted me to visit Europe, so I sent my response to people that I would go if the press would broadcast our visit.
Seven SCJ delegates left South Korea on May 5, 2012, and we returned on May 16, 2012. The first seminar (the Open Bible Seminar/Conference) was hosted in the Frankfurt Press Club where 350 journalists were officially registered. The second seminar was hosted in the Ernst Reuter, Berlin.
The participating pastors in the seminars were from 28 different countries, and there were about 600 pastors. The press was unable to count the number of the participants because of the huge turnout. The lectures were based on Mt 24, Mt 13, and the brief testimony of all the fulfilled events of Revelation, which I saw and heard. Teams of translators were simultaneously translating the lectures into German, French, and English. The lectures were followed by a question-and-answer session. All the questions—if they were from the Bible—were possible to answer. After that period, interviews with newspaper journalists and with broadcasting-station producers took place.
By the time each seminar was finished, the participants’ faces were full of awe and joy. They neither cared about their pride, nor did they feel embarrassed to rush to the pulpit after the seminar was finished. Considering the difficulty in controlling the large crowd who wanted to come up to the pulpit, one can surely say that the Bible seminar was a great success. Someone bowed down with tears and pleaded with me to stay in Europe. Some people burst into tears from overwhelming inspiration. Others wanted to touch the hem of my clothes. People kissed my hands, and others invited me to come to their denominations for more seminars. Pastors and journalists raced to interview me. Several people said that they wanted to come to Korea to continue learning the word. “How dried their hearts must have been until now!” I felt sorry for them and prayed: “God, they are pleading. Please pour out your showers of blessings so that they can come back to life!”
After the seminars, we met Maizière, the former prime minister of East Germany. We listened to him explain the process of unification between East and West Germany, and we also spoke about the unification of Korea. Afterwards, we were given an opportunity to meet a director of the Göttweig Abbey, Austria. We returned to South Korea via Switzerland.
By the time we arrived at Incheon airport, there were a large number of congregation members already there, welcoming the delegations. Having watched those people, I was vividly reminded of the gathering of the large crowds after the seminar in Berlin. We had some time to take photos after the Berlin seminar. We had to stop and break up the photo taking so that everyone could be in the pictures. People asked us to remember to send them the pictures. It feels like they will always see me through those pictures.
Although seven of us went to Europe, the holy spirit of the Lord accompanied us as well. Roughly 2,000 years ago, Jesus proclaimed future events, which he would later fulfill as the new covenant. This would be the testimony to all people and the whole world. That which was proclaimed has now been fulfilled at the end of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. If this is the case, it is our duty to make this known to people. For this purpose I visited Europe. Since I testified about this physical fulfillment, I have done the task appointed to me, and people who have heard this testimony will be without an excuse for not having heard (Jn 15:22). Whoever verifies this testimony and believes in it will attain their hope by entering heaven and by gaining eternal life.
By the time each seminar was finished, the participants’ faces were full of awe and joy. They neither cared about their pride, nor did they feel embarrassed to rush to the pulpit after the seminar was finished. Considering the difficulty in controlling the large crowd who wanted to come up to the pulpit, one can surely say that the Bible seminar was a great success. Someone bowed down with tears and pleaded with me to stay in Europe. Some people burst into tears from overwhelming inspiration. Others wanted to touch the hem of my clothes. People kissed my hands, and others invited me to come to their denominations for more seminars. Pastors and journalists raced to interview me. Several people said that they wanted to come to Korea to continue learning the word. “How dried their hearts must have been until now!” I felt sorry for them and prayed: “God, they are pleading. Please pour out your showers of blessings so that they can come back to life!”
After the seminars, we met Maizière, the former prime minister of East Germany. We listened to him explain the process of unification between East and West Germany, and we also spoke about the unification of Korea. Afterwards, we were given an opportunity to meet a director of the Göttweig Abbey, Austria. We returned to South Korea via Switzerland.
By the time we arrived at Incheon airport, there were a large number of congregation members already there, welcoming the delegations. Having watched those people, I was vividly reminded of the gathering of the large crowds after the seminar in Berlin. We had some time to take photos after the Berlin seminar. We had to stop and break up the photo taking so that everyone could be in the pictures. People asked us to remember to send them the pictures. It feels like they will always see me through those pictures.
Although seven of us went to Europe, the holy spirit of the Lord accompanied us as well. Roughly 2,000 years ago, Jesus proclaimed future events, which he would later fulfill as the new covenant. This would be the testimony to all people and the whole world. That which was proclaimed has now been fulfilled at the end of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. If this is the case, it is our duty to make this known to people. For this purpose I visited Europe. Since I testified about this physical fulfillment, I have done the task appointed to me, and people who have heard this testimony will be without an excuse for not having heard (Jn 15:22). Whoever verifies this testimony and believes in it will attain their hope by entering heaven and by gaining eternal life.

Before I left for Europe, I thought that I would only go if it was God’s will and command, rather than going because of the invitations that I received from several pastors.
We have triumphed according to the Bible, and we have the evidence of victory. We have the greatest truth out of all mankind, the revealed word, which we testify about according to the 5Ws and 1H (who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?). My flesh belongs to the Lord because Jesus purchased me through his own blood (Rv 5:9-10). One day I dreamt that God had permitted me to visit Europe, so I sent my response to people that I would go if the press would broadcast our visit.
Seven SCJ delegates left South Korea on May 5, 2012, and we returned on May 16, 2012. The first seminar (the Open Bible Seminar/Conference) was hosted in the Frankfurt Press Club where 350 journalists were officially registered. The second seminar was hosted in the Ernst Reuter, Berlin.
The participating pastors in the seminars were from 28 different countries, and there were about 600 pastors. The press was unable to count the number of the participants because of the huge turnout. The lectures were based on Mt 24, Mt 13, and the brief testimony of all the fulfilled events of Revelation, which I saw and heard. Teams of translators were simultaneously translating the lectures into German, French, and English. The lectures were followed by a question-and-answer session. All the questions—if they were from the Bible—were possible to answer. After that period, interviews with newspaper journalists and with broadcasting-station producers took place.
By the time each seminar was finished, the participants’ faces were full of awe and joy. They neither cared about their pride, nor did they feel embarrassed to rush to the pulpit after the seminar was finished. Considering the difficulty in controlling the large crowd who wanted to come up to the pulpit, one can surely say that the Bible seminar was a great success. Someone bowed down with tears and pleaded with me to stay in Europe. Some people burst into tears from overwhelming inspiration. Others wanted to touch the hem of my clothes. People kissed my hands, and others invited me to come to their denominations for more seminars. Pastors and journalists raced to interview me. Several people said that they wanted to come to Korea to continue learning the word. “How dried their hearts must have been until now!” I felt sorry for them and prayed: “God, they are pleading. Please pour out your showers of blessings so that they can come back to life!”
After the seminars, we met Maizière, the former prime minister of East Germany. We listened to him explain the process of unification between East and West Germany, and we also spoke about the unification of Korea. Afterwards, we were given an opportunity to meet a director of the Göttweig Abbey, Austria. We returned to South Korea via Switzerland.
By the time we arrived at Incheon airport, there were a large number of congregation members already there, welcoming the delegations. Having watched those people, I was vividly reminded of the gathering of the large crowds after the seminar in Berlin. We had some time to take photos after the Berlin seminar. We had to stop and break up the photo taking so that everyone could be in the pictures. People asked us to remember to send them the pictures. It feels like they will always see me through those pictures.
Although seven of us went to Europe, the holy spirit of the Lord accompanied us as well. Roughly 2,000 years ago, Jesus proclaimed future events, which he would later fulfill as the new covenant. This would be the testimony to all people and the whole world. That which was proclaimed has now been fulfilled at the end of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. If this is the case, it is our duty to make this known to people. For this purpose I visited Europe. Since I testified about this physical fulfillment, I have done the task appointed to me, and people who have heard this testimony will be without an excuse for not having heard (Jn 15:22). Whoever verifies this testimony and believes in it will attain their hope by entering heaven and by gaining eternal life.

After the seminars, we met Maizière, the former prime minister of East Germany. We listened to him explain the process of unification between East and West Germany, and we also spoke about the unification of Korea. Afterwards, we were given an opportunity to meet a director of the Göttweig Abbey, Austria. We returned to South Korea via Switzerland.

Although seven of us went to Europe, the holy spirit of the Lord accompanied us as well. Roughly 2,000 years ago, Jesus proclaimed future events, which he would later fulfill as the new covenant. This would be the testimony to all people and the whole world. That which was proclaimed has now been fulfilled at the end of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. If this is the case, it is our duty to make this known to people. For this purpose I visited Europe. Since I testified about this physical fulfillment, I have done the task appointed to me, and people who have heard this testimony will be without an excuse for not having heard (Jn 15:22). Whoever verifies this testimony and believes in it will attain their hope by entering heaven and by gaining eternal life.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] Having the eyes and heart to understand the Bible
Having the eyes and heart to understand the Bible
Adam was created by God (Gn 1:26-27; Gn 2:7). Noah was chosen by God (Gn 6:8-9). Abraham was chosen by God (Gn 12:1). Moses was chosen by God (Ex 3:4-10). Jesus, too, was chosen by God (Lk 9:35).
Apostle John, a servant at the time the prophecies are fulfilled, has been chosen by Jesus (Rv 1:17). If he keeps the covenant and overcomes according to prophecy, Apostle John sits with Jesus on his throne (Rv 3:21). Apostle John also becomes the son who inherits everything (Rv 21:7).
In the time of the Old Testament, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the rest of the prophets were held captive in enemy nations. In the time of the first coming, too, Jesus was in Jerusalem where God’s tabernacle had been taken over by Satan’s Pharisees (Mt 23:2; Mt 23:33). In the same way, at the time of the second coming—at the end of the age—the child who rules all nations is in the tabernacle of the chosen people that is invaded by the group of the dragon (Rv 12:1-5).
When Apostle John is mentioned in Revelation, it refers figuratively to the person who is used as a servant when the prophecies are fulfilled (Hos 12:10). This Apostle John figure is the promised pastor in the time of the second coming and he is the child that rules all nations. He is the pastor of Shincheonji who has been chosen by Jesus. He has not learned the teachings of the world, nor has he learned any of his knowledge of the Bible from other men. He, too, was once among God’s people while they were in captivity. He was chosen from among those people, and he mastered the Bible by learning from the Holy Spirit. By overcoming, he became New Spiritual Israel and established the promised twelve tribes (Rv 12:11; Rv 7; Rv 14). He has accomplished, according to the Bible, things no one else could ever have accomplished.
Those who deceived and killed Adam, even though he was righteous, were the same as those who persecuted and killed Jesus. They were all children of Satan. Today, too, people who persecute the pastor chosen by God and Jesus are the same as these children of Satan from long ago. Instead of allowing their jealousy and hatred to condemn them to hell, the pastors of the world and their congregation members should come learn, understand, and verify that we speak the truth. They should enter heaven and receive its blessing, which is salvation. We are with God and we speak the word of truth. If you see and still do not understand, what else can I say?
Even though people who walk on this narrow path are persecuted because of their righteousness, we have hope. We have life and the kingdom of heaven. God, Jesus, and his angels are with us. This place, which has mastered the Bible, is Mt. Zion (Ez 8:3; Rv 14:1; Rv 15:2-5). It is the city of truth whose people joyfully return glory to God. This place is heaven on earth—Shincheonji—to which the spiritual heaven descends (Rv 21:1-7).
No matter how many people deny it, and no matter how much they persecute the harvesters, today is the time of harvest (Mt 13:30) and those who are harvested are blessed. God harvests his people to Shincheonji, which is Mt. Zion (Rv 14:1-5; Rv 14:14-16). Since the days of the churches have come to an end, it is time for the wheat to be harvested. Those who remain in their churches instead of being harvested will continue to wait in hope, but their hopes will never be fulfilled.
Believing in words that are spoken according to the Bible is believing in God and his promises. I pray that you will see and understand the Bible with spiritual eyes so you can receive salvation.
Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
[Shincheonji Bible QT] Ps 40:11
Do not withhold your mercy from me, O LORD;
may your love and your truth always protect me.
Ps 40:11
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
[Shincheonji Bible QT] Isa42:5-7
This is what God the LORD says--he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: *"I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, *to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. ( Isa42:5-7 )
Monday, July 22, 2013
[Shincheonji Bible QT] Open your heart to prepare the oil and the lamp
< Wedding March, painted by Kim Hong-Do (1745 - 1815? ) during the Chosun Dynasty. The bridegroom is riding a white horse to his bride's home for the wedding ceremony. > |
Go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. (Mt 25:9)
Isa 53:1-3
1 "Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
2 Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
3 Give ear and come to me;
hear me, that your soul may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
my faithful love promised to David.
Rv 22:17
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!"
And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come;
and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] The Purpose of the Cross
What a great time to reflect on the purpose of the cross. Why is it that Jesus had to bear the cross? Why did God allow the blood of His son to be shed? What is expected of us today?
2000 years ago Jesus shed his blood to atone for man’s sin (Heb 10:10-14). Through the sacrifice of one man the sins of many were taken away. This took place at the time of the first coming, but what does the rest of Hebrews 9:28 say concerning Jesus’ return?
“Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many;
and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”
When does salvation come? When can we truly claim to ‘be saved’?
2000 years ago Jesus shed his blood to atone for our sins so that today we can be made into the perfect and holy kingdom and priests of God, those who have been purchased by Jesus’ blood and sealed with the seal of the living God (Rv 5:9-10; Rv 7:2-4).
The 144,000 who have been sealed and born of God’s seed, the word of truth (Rv 7:4; James 1:18), are those who can sing the new song (Rv 14:3).
If you don’t know what the ‘new song’ is, can you sing it?
Those who are singing the new song, the 144,000, are gathered at Mount Zion, together with God and Jesus (Rv 14:1).
Today is the time when we can learn the new song!
Today we must be those who are harvested and sealed according to the prophecies in the New Testament (Mt 13: 24-30; Rv 14:14-16; Rv 7:2-4).
What was God’s hope and desire as He allowed the blood of His son to be shed?
God desires to create His eternal kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven, His holy nation and treasured possession, His kingdom of priests (Ex 19:5-6), those who have been purchased with the blood of Jesus.
Today is the time when Jesus’ blood comes into full effect. Today is the time we can truly receive salvation.
Have you been purchased? Have you been harvested and sealed? Can you sing the new song?
Now is the time! Let us not be like those living at the time of Noah, who lost the opportunity of salvation by not getting on the Ark because they did not recognize or understand the time they were living in.
Let us be those who fulfill God’s hope!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
[Shincheonji Bible QT] You are what you eat!
The other day I received an email from a very large international Christian ministry, and at the end of the email it said this:
“Remember, when God sees you, He sees Jesus. You are accepted. You are complete. You are forever righteous.”
It is so easy to hear these words and accept them. They make us feel comforted and reassured. But are we truly “accepted, complete and forever righteous” in the eyes of God just because we “call on His name”? Does the Bible really teach us that we are automatically God’s children just by believing in Him?
What about James 2:19,
“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”
Even the demons believe that there is one true God, that does not make them God’s children, that does not make them “accepted, complete, and forever righteous.”
If you chose to eat junk food, you are not giving your body life and sustenance, rather you are giving it disease and death. It is the same spiritually. The words we accept either feed and sustain our spirit, or starve and kill it. Once our spirits die we are like graves or whitewashed tombs, housing only dead spirits (Mt 23:27; Lk 11:44).
If ‘we are what we eat’ and we want to be God’s children, we have to make sure we are eating the food that endures to eternal life (Jn 6:27), the bread of life, His word.
Apple trees grow from apple seeds, pear trees grow from pear seeds, the life is in the seed. If we want to be born of God, we have to be born of His seed (Lk 8:11).
Words cannot be made true just because we accept them. Facts cannot be changed just because we reject them.
If we accept any teachings just because they make us feel good, even if they are not the truth, then we are not those born of God’s seed, the word of truth (James 1:18).
If we are not born of God’s seed then we are not God’s children, nor are we complete or righteous in His eyes.
The life is in the seed!
Let us be those who are born of God’s seed, the word of truth.
Let us be those who can truly be able to say we are “accepted, complete, and forever righteous!”
“Remember, when God sees you, He sees Jesus. You are accepted. You are complete. You are forever righteous.”
It is so easy to hear these words and accept them. They make us feel comforted and reassured. But are we truly “accepted, complete and forever righteous” in the eyes of God just because we “call on His name”? Does the Bible really teach us that we are automatically God’s children just by believing in Him?
What about James 2:19,
“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”
Even the demons believe that there is one true God, that does not make them God’s children, that does not make them “accepted, complete, and forever righteous.”
You are what you eat!
If you chose to eat junk food, you are not giving your body life and sustenance, rather you are giving it disease and death. It is the same spiritually. The words we accept either feed and sustain our spirit, or starve and kill it. Once our spirits die we are like graves or whitewashed tombs, housing only dead spirits (Mt 23:27; Lk 11:44).
If ‘we are what we eat’ and we want to be God’s children, we have to make sure we are eating the food that endures to eternal life (Jn 6:27), the bread of life, His word.
Apple trees grow from apple seeds, pear trees grow from pear seeds, the life is in the seed. If we want to be born of God, we have to be born of His seed (Lk 8:11).
Words cannot be made true just because we accept them. Facts cannot be changed just because we reject them.
If we accept any teachings just because they make us feel good, even if they are not the truth, then we are not those born of God’s seed, the word of truth (James 1:18).
If we are not born of God’s seed then we are not God’s children, nor are we complete or righteous in His eyes.
The life is in the seed!
Let us be those who are born of God’s seed, the word of truth.
Let us be those who can truly be able to say we are “accepted, complete, and forever righteous!”
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
[Shincheonji Cartoon] Thoghtless faith
This self-centered faith of convenience asks nothing more of us than thoughtless obedience!
We must move beyond this thoughtless faith that believes everything will be alright if we just believe in Jesus.
We can't ignore the words of prophecy, which Jesus also asked us to obey.
If anyone lobes me,
he will obey my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we will come to him
and take up residence with him.
Jn 14:23
[Shincheonji Bible QT] Love, Seek and Find
Let us be those who truly seek, those who are only satisfied with the truth, and those who are acknowledged by God. Now is the time to understand all the promises and prophecies recorded in the New Testament, let us be those who have open and humble hearts, so that we can hear, believe, and understand.
These things we pray for all mankind
Monday, July 15, 2013
[Shincheonji World News] Christians and Muslims Come Together to Share Ramadan Meal in Egypt
(Photo: Reuters/Suhaib Salem) A protester holds a cross and Koran during a protest demanding that President Mohamed Mursi resign at Tahrir Square in Cairo July 1, 2013. |
The location was used by opponents of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi for demonstrations against him. He was thrown out of office back on July 3 by the army after a series of mass protests and public outcry. This place was also vital during the removal of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
The square was flooded by people of both faiths on a day where Muslim supporters of Morsi had been holding large demonstrations in public squares located in several other cities.
I wish [fellow countrymen] good health for a thousand years, and may they be well every year," said Christian Fareg Girgis Abdul-Masih in a Reuters report. "And we are brothers, and may God continue to give us peace, and may we be brothers, not like the Muslim Brotherhood, no, truly bothers- Muslims, Christians, all of us united."
An Imam preached a sermon in the Square on Friday that encouraged unity among the citizens of Egypt.
"This iftar (fast-breaking meal) is a national unity meal, in order for us to say that Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, make up one square and one nation. And this is an iftar to honor the blood of the martyrs and we are demanding justice for them on this Friday," said Mohammed Abdullah Nasser.
Mursi demonstrators struggled to make their point across others areas in Cairo demanding the reinstatement of a man who only served in the office for one year. Other citizens believe the protests that began on June 30 to kick him out of office were the beginning of Egypt's much needed rebirth after the President failed to rule the country in an effective and just manner.
"Today, after June 30, we have regained everything. And thank God, Egypt has returned ten times stronger than it was before," said Ashraf Hasan Ali.
Morsi has been criticized for his anti-democratic rule which further divided a country that already faced political turmoil and economic crisis.
Christians and Muslims shouted for their peace and freedom. It was difficult but it was wonderful.
People all over the world want peace. In order to do that, it need to religious unification.
I believe that we can make world peace only when all religious unification achieve in harmony.
Shincheonji wish for religious unification, world peace and the restoration of light.
The Bible contains God’s will. World peace and the restoration of light will come if the work is done in accordance to the Bible. This is the promised restoration that is recorded in the Bible, and thus religious unification and world peace will be achieved.
There are approximately 200 different races, and approximately 5,000 languages in the world. There are also many different religions. This is the reality of the global community. Although religious people all say they believe in the one true God, they all have different ways of believing, and it is mainly due to these religious differences that conflicts occur around the world. Conflicts also occur due to power struggles. Regardless of who you are, in order for this world to attain peace and the restoration of light, you must be born again through the seed and spirit of God. For this, all religions must become one through one truth.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] Two Covenants
Main reference : Heb 8, 9
So God said in Jeremiah 31, he would make a new covenant because they broke the first covenant (Jer 31:31-32, Heb 8:7-13), and made the new covenant in the blood of Jesus after about 600 years. (refer to Mt.26:26-29, Lk 22:14-20, Heb 9:13-15) This new covenant is the New Testament, which main point is the promise of Revelation. Those who keep this covenant will be forgiven for their sins and become a kingdom of God and priests, and a holy nation, that is, the people of Heaven (Rv 1:5-6, Heb 9:24-28).
They were the covenant through Moses, and the New Covenant through Jesus. Today, those who keep the New Covenant will be blessed as promised. What we should trust and obey are the word of promise (prophecy) and its fulfillment in the New Testament.
The affairs in the past (at the time of Moses) are the examples then, and what appear in the mirror are their faces (appearances). Today, we look in the mirror glass, which is far more transparent like pure gold. (Rv 21:21) As this mirror is the everlasting word like gold, everyone will be judged according to his deed as recorded in the Bible. (Rv 20:12)
Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The History of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Chairman: Man Hee Lee)
We introduce the history of the City of Truth, beautiful Shincheonji.
1. Shincheonji, church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony was founded on March 14, 1984 in South Korea, near Gwacheon City.
2. December 15th, 1984 Founding of Shincheonji Publications.
3. June 12th, 1990 Opening of th Zion Mission Center(ZMC)
4. April 1st, 1991 First graduation service for the class one of the Zion Christian Mission Center.
5. Ocober 30-31st, 1993 Hosting of the first Shincheonji's National Olympiad
6. 1995-1999 As a true shepherd and the worries of a deeper understanding of the Gospels, chairman Man Hee Lee made two pilgrimages to places of the New Testament event (Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Rome, etc)
7. September 23-24th, 1995 Hosting of the second Shincheonji's national Plympiad.
8. September 23th, 2000 Hosting of the third Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
9. September 18th, 2004 Hosting of the forthe Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
10. July 24th, 2006 Opening of Shincheonji radio station.
11. June 2007 Publishing To spread the everlasting gospel, whose word was made flesh and was completed around the world, Man Hee Lee wrote books on the fulfillment of prophecies of the New Testament and published.
12. October 5th, 2008 Hosting of the fifth Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
17. July 1st, 2012 Foreign Languages available on Shincheonji broadcast and new website.
18. July 21th 2012, about 1,500 believers, including pastors, gathered at the Crystal Cathedral near Los Angeles to listen to the lecture of Chairman Man Hee Lee from Shincheonji Church of Jesus who testified.
19. September 16th, 2012 Hosting of the six Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
1. Shincheonji, church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony was founded on March 14, 1984 in South Korea, near Gwacheon City.
2. December 15th, 1984 Founding of Shincheonji Publications.
3. June 12th, 1990 Opening of th Zion Mission Center(ZMC)
4. April 1st, 1991 First graduation service for the class one of the Zion Christian Mission Center.
5. Ocober 30-31st, 1993 Hosting of the first Shincheonji's National Olympiad
6. 1995-1999 As a true shepherd and the worries of a deeper understanding of the Gospels, chairman Man Hee Lee made two pilgrimages to places of the New Testament event (Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Rome, etc)
7. September 23-24th, 1995 Hosting of the second Shincheonji's national Plympiad.
8. September 23th, 2000 Hosting of the third Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
9. September 18th, 2004 Hosting of the forthe Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
10. July 24th, 2006 Opening of Shincheonji radio station.
11. June 2007 Publishing To spread the everlasting gospel, whose word was made flesh and was completed around the world, Man Hee Lee wrote books on the fulfillment of prophecies of the New Testament and published.
12. October 5th, 2008 Hosting of the fifth Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
13. December 8th, 2010 to present: Shincheonji Open Bible Seminars.
14. February 6th, 2012 Launching of the Shincheonji Internet broadcast.
15. May 1st, 2012 Publishing of the Shincheonji News.
16. May 12th 2012, after the Open Bible Seminar in Europe, one of the ministry leaders in sincerely asking the Chairman to host an Open Bible Seminar in his country in tears.
17. July 1st, 2012 Foreign Languages available on Shincheonji broadcast and new website.
19. September 16th, 2012 Hosting of the six Shincheonji's national Olympiad.
Friday, July 12, 2013
[Man Hee Lee Quotes] Realities of the Word
"We really need to be grateful to God,
as we have become the realities of this Word.
We can express our gratitude gy doing God's work."
Man Hee Lee
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Like Prayer, Shincheonji Chairman Man Hee Lee
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me,
if only I may finish the race
and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the task
of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
"Now I know that none of you among whom
I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again.
Threrefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood
of all men. For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you
the whole will of God.
ACTS 20:24~27
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] Promise (Prophecy), Fulfillment and Faith
Main reference: Jn 14:29 (Jn 19:30, Rv 21:6)
The promise refers to God’s promise of what is to be fulfilled in the future with the saints, the fulfillment refers to the achievement of the promise (prophecy), and faith refers to witnessing and believing in God’s fulfillment of his promise.
The one who promises and fulfills is God, and the ones who need to believe this fulfillment of the promise when the time comes are the saints. God gives the promise through his chosen prophets, and the prophets record what has been promised in the Bible and convey this. This is the gospel.
● The relationship between the pastor and saints
Let’s look into the facts at the time of the Old Testament and at the First Coming of the New Testament.
Before the time of Moses, it had been passed down by word of mouth, at the time of Moses there had been the 5 books of Moses but only the Bishops and religious leaders had them.
After that there was the Old Testament but only the religious leaders had it and the saints worshiped by only hearing their pastor’s words without the book (Bible).
In the time of New Testament, the New Testament Bible was made. From this time there were both Old and New Testaments. In the New Testament, the fulfillment of the Old Testament was recorded as well as the New Testament, that is, what will be fulfilled in future. However even in the time of the New Testament, only the religious leaders had the Bible, and general saints or laypeople could not see nor have it. Whoever pointed this out in discontentment was put to death. This is like a person who does not know the Buddhist scriptures believing in Buddhism.
At this time, Martin Luther had carried out the religious reformation, saying that all believers should read God’s Bible and have faith according to the Word. Luther made a printer with a wine presser and started to copy the Bible with this printer for the saints to read. Since then many people were able to possess and read the Bible. However Luther did not interpret the meaning of the Bible. Believers before Luther had only heard from the Bishops and believers after Luther did not know the true meaning of the Bible and only believed in their church pastor’s words. This was the form of faith until this day.
Jesus said when he goes the night will come (Jn 9:4), and the end of the churches will come when the gospel of Heaven that Jesus had conveyed is preached to all nations and to the ends of this earth (Mt 24:14). The 6,000 years of history of the Bible tells us well about each time. Jesus and the Bible tells us the world of Adam, the world of Noah, the world of Moses and Israel, the world of the first Heaven, and Jesus’ First Coming will all be ended with Jesus’ Second Coming.
Saints are loyal to their pastors firmly believing in their words, as they do not know the Bible. But what the saints should believe in is not their pastor’s words but God and Jesus’ words. The reality of the world of religion is that saints believe in their pastor even when the pastor lies, and simply follow even when the pastors lead them to other ways. The reason is because the pastor and saints do not know the words of promise in the Bible.
It does not mean you shouldn’t believe in God, Jesus, kingdom of heaven and the Bible. It means to believe in the promise and the fulfillment. The promise is the new covenant, and when it is fulfilled, one must believe in the physical fulfillment, which is the word of testimony of the fulfilled prophecy, rather than the prophecy.
Shincheonji is promised in the Bible (Rv 21:1), the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is also promised (Rv 15:4-5), 12 tribes on Mt Zion and the new song is also promised (Rv 14:1-5). It is also promised Shincheonji receives the one who overcomes and the word of Revelation and conveys this (Refer to Rv 2, Rv 3, Rv 10, Rv 22:16-17).
Harvesting and sealing is also promised (Rv 7, Rv 14), and it is being fulfilled according to it. Anyone who does not allow this is an interferer, one who works with Satan, and shut the way to the kingdom of heaven not allowing those to enter who are trying to (Refer to Mt 23:13). Anyone who does not become harvested is the weed and the son of the evil one (Mt 13:30, 38-39), anyone who adds or takes words away from Revelation will not enter the kingdom of heaven but goes to hell (Rv 22:18-19).
Is this a lie? Is this untrue? The treatment of persecution and acts of evil is born from the devil and occurs because the devil’s evil spirit is with them. Who would the saints blame? It is themselves who do not believe when the advocate comes and alerts the fulfilled New Testament; it is no fault of others but their very own.
Why won’t you believe in God’s words and promise? Look at Shinchonji. Even a young child has been born by the seed of the Word and so aren’t they better off than the pastors or theological professors of the world? If one cannot believe even after seeing this, it is because their spirit is dead.
I pray that you confirm with the Bible, believe and receive salvation.
Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
[Man Hee Lee Quotes] Bright Light - shincheonji
"We must know the word abundantly to be in leadership.
We shouldn't be like dim lights,
which are not useful at all.
We must be like people who are good leaders and to do so,
we must have the word."
Man Hee Lee
Monday, July 8, 2013
[Shincheonji God's Word] Religion and Its Founder
Religion and Its Founder
Whose will is recorded in the Old and the New Testament? What is religion, and who is its founder? Why can’t we understand the meaning of the Scriptures with knowledge of the world? How is the end result of believers different from that of unbelievers?
Religion (宗敎) means “the highest teaching.”
Who created religion?
Religion was created by God (Holy Spirit), and the proof can be found in John 1:1-2. The founder of religion, therefore, is God the Creator. That is why the Catholic Church is called Cheonjugyo (天主敎)*. Hence, to call a man who merely follows religion the founder of it is against the law and a lie. Whether it is a newly-rising or a traditional church, the leader of a church cannot be the founder. The name Church of Jesus reveals that its founder is Jesus, and the name Cheonjugyo shows that Cheonju (the Lord of heaven) is the founder. Usually, cults use the word “founder” to persecute others. However, anyone who uses such a word proves that he himself is a cult and speaks lies. For example, even though a tenant of a vineyard is entrusted with a vineyard, this does not make him the owner of it. If a church calls itself the so-and-so church of the Church of Jesus in Korea, that means the founder of this so-and-so church is Jesus. If a person labels the leader of a church as a founder despite the fact that the church calls itself the Church of Jesus, that person has to realize he is a false believer. A person should be referred to as a representative, the one in charge, a pastor, elder, or be called by his personal name. Churches and Christians must act in accordance with the will of God (Holy Spirit). This is the true life of faith that professes to believe in God.
Just because a person possesses a lot of knowledge of this world, it does not mean that he can correctly understand the meaning of the Scriptures. Furthermore, what God has prophesied, God fulfills. We are able to understand the meaning of the prophecies after God fulfills it and explains it to us. There is a vast amount of contents recorded in the Bible, including history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment. Among them, prophecy is something to be fulfilled in the future, and therefore, there is an appointed time when it is fulfilled.
God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled (Jn 14:29).
If you want to know more about religion, you can see on SCJTV(
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