I grew up going to church and attending a Christian school K-12. During my years in university, I was greatly involved in campus ministry, even leading small Bible study groups.
In all my years attending a Christian school and listening to sermon after sermon, there were still a few things that didn’t make much sense and for which no one could supply a sufficient answer. It mostly came down to doctrinal or denominational differences (e.g. baptism, the trinity, the second coming and tribulations, etc.. and yes, about dinosaurs I must admit).

Now that it is revealed that the one promised is here and he is the only who to whom God and Jesus come.. where else have I to go? I find that if I truly want to be with God and Jesus and posses eternal life, I must go to the place where they reside– Mount Zion, Shincheonji, New Heaven and New Earth, where the one who overcomes has established the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel.
Like the 12 disciples at Jesus’ time, we must be able to drop our nets, the only way of life we knew, and follow the one who is sent by God, the one who speaks the words of eternal life. What have we to lose? There is nothing greater worth living for and nothing more valuable than this truth. To anyone who truly desires to know God, His will and hav
e eternal life, the very least you can do is listen to this word; then judge for yourself.
source: http://shinchonjiunmasked.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/judge-for-yourself/
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