Monday, September 30, 2013

True Cult at the End of Age & the Coercive Conversion Education Program - Shincheonji is a cult? Shincheonji truth, by Man Hee Lee shincheonji

True Cult at the End of Age &
the Coercive Conversion Education Program

Main reference: Mt 24:14, Rv 2:14, Rv 17:1-5

Let us find out about the end of the age, about cults, and the coercive conversion education program.

he end of the age (i.e. the last days) in the reference verse Matthew 24:3 is not referring to the end of the physical world, but the end of the religious world. True cults are the denominations and the people thereof who fabricate their own doctrines and laws and keep to them rather than the Bible. Coercive conversion education program is an evil law that was made for earning profit; it was never commanded in the Bible or by Jesus. We must not forget that the Bible will be used to judge. It says that ‘the very word which [Jesus] spoke will condemn [him] at the last day’ (Jn 12:48); and that ‘if anyone adds to or takes away from the words of the prophecy of the book (Revelation); he can’t go to heaven’ (Rv 22:18-19), and that ‘if anyone should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, he will be eternally condemned’ (Gal 1:8).

● End of the religious world
Adam’s world ended (the end of the age) by the appearance of Noah; Canaan’s world ended by the appearance of Moses; physical Israel ended by the appearance of Jesus; and spiritual Israel (created by the First Coming of Jesus) was ended by the Second Coming. These are the ends of religious worlds.

● True cult and fake cult
Jesus, along with the prophets and the apostles in the New and Old Testaments, were labeled as cults and murdered by the Pharisees, who were serpents (Mt 23:29, 33), and by the pastors of Babylon, the kingdom of demons (Rv 18). In reality, however, Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles were not cults, but were the orthodoxy, as messengers of God who received the revelation directly. It was the pastors who murdered Jesus for being a cult who were the true cults.

Today, the CCK (Christian Council of Korea) fabricated a lie insisting that Shincheonji Church of Jesus is a cult. However, Shincheonji was created according to the New Testament. People of Shinchonji live lives of faith according to the Bible and testify without adding to or subtracting from it. Is this the definition of a cult?
The roots of the CCK trace back to a murderer, Calvin. Churches of the Presbyterian denomination, which he founded, are churches of Calvin, not of Jesus. This is because their doctrines are not of Jesus’, nor is the name of their denomination named after him. It is named after Calvin, and they follow his doctrines. The Presbyterian Church went astray from Jesus’ doctrines and from his revelation (book of Revelation). While choosing to not to believe in his revelation, they worshipped the Japanese emperor as god by clapping their hands in praise.

Besides, as they stated clearly at the 7th Korean Christian Press Forum, the CCK was originally a group of conservative Christians gathered together as part of a political scheme by Mr. Kim to gain supporters of the constitutional revision to the election for the 3rd term. The CCK was then established in 1989, and now is an alliance of protestant church denominations, made up of members of denominations mainly from the Presbyterian Churches of Korea. The CCK has been disgracing the world of Christianity with their electoral briberies. They must stop ruining Christianity. It must stop making the mistake of driving a nail into Jesus’ chest all over again, and it must be disbanded. The denominations of the CCK are asserting that their own doctrines are orthodox, but in reality, the CCK is one of the biggest cults, and its laws are an evil one. One of the members of Shincheonji was murdered by her family (ex-husband), because she didn’t agree to receive coercive conversion education under the CCK. Seeing that they killed someone for not converting to their denomination, we can see that the mainstream denomination of the CCK, the Presbyterian denomination, must have inherited their genes from Calvin the murderer. Is it conforming with Christianity’s values of love, forgive, and salvation? It never was orthodoxy, but a true cult.

Shincheonji was labeled as a cult by the CCK, but it is the true orthodoxy, and the CCK is the true cult. Jesus was labeled as a cult by the Pharisees, but he was the true orthodoxy, and the Pharisees were the true cult. True orthodoxy, like Jesus and Shincheonji, gives the revelation that is directly received from God. True cults form sects and rule with doctrines that are not made from their own thinking, not the Bible.

● Coercive Conversion Education
The CCK, like the Pharisees, loved money, and thus sold and bought ecclesiastical authority with it (Lk 16:14). The Anti-cult Committee, established under the CCK, is spreading lies through their coercive conversion education, which is priced at several hundred thousand Korean wons per person. According to the testimony of the victims who escaped from the coercive conversion education program, the pastors who run the program instruct the parents of the victim to do several things. This includes handcuffing their children’s hands and feet, taping their mouths, taking away their mobile phones, taking them to and locking them in a one-room house. After all this, the conversion pastor starts to teach and plant lies. A television program once reported that someone who refused the conversion education was put in an asylum. Is it Jesus’ commands to charge money for such coercive conversion education (refer to Rv 21:6, 22:17)? Is it in line with God’s teachings to commit personal attacks, suppress, and give false testimony? KBS News even reported of a congregation member in Chuncheon whose husband forced her to be in confinement for several hours with a pastor of conversion education program.
Such are the doctrines and laws of the Anti-cult Committee of CCK. Their doctrines were never Jesus’ commands or the truth. Rather than the gospel of God, they are the laws and doctrines of a different gospel, one different from that of the Bible. They cannot be called true Christianity. Jesus commanded to not add to or subtract from the prophecy of Revelation, but they are denying this revelation altogether, so how can they be called the church of Jesus? Their doctrines are nothing but the doctrines of Calvin’s lies.

Our desire is for the CCK to disband, repent, and come to Shincheonji to be born again by knowing the true God and Jesus, and by learning the truth (i.e. the word of revelation) (refer to Jn 3:3-5, 1 Pt 1:23). Shincheonji has been created as according to the Bible, and testifies the new word of revelation which we received directly (thus orthodoxy), just as Jesus did (refer to Mt 11:27). Shincheonji’s word of revelation is the highest truth in the history of Christianity. We are the City of Truth and God’s kingdom of righteousness and justice, the twelve tribes.

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pastors Who Did Not Believe in Every Generation & the Persecution_ By Man Hee Lee peace leader, shincheonji church of jesus

Pastors Who Did Not Believe
in Every Generation & the Persecution

Main reference:  Is 1
(further reference:  Acts 7:51-53; Mt 23; Mt 5:11-12; Lk 20; 1 Kgs 11)

    In every generation, why do the pastors not believe, lie, and persecute? 

God made a covenant with the Israelites, who came out of Egypt, through Moses in Ex 19:5-6. The content of the covenant:  If you keep my covenant, you will become God's kingdom and priests and a holy nation. However, they bowed down to gentile gods during the time of Solomon as it is written in 1 Ki 11, and as a result, eleven tribes became North Israel, that is, gentile, and in Jerusalem, which was located in the South, Judah was the only tribe left. As it is written in 1 Ki 11, as could be seen from Is 1, Judah and Jerusalem were also captured by the gentiles. 

In order to save these people, God prophesied numerous times through the Old Testament prophets about the future of Judah and Jerusalem and made it known to His people that Jesus, the savior, would come. However, the pastors, who had become Satan's gentile pastors, cruelly killed the prophets, who prophesied. Regarding this, Jer 31 and Hos 6 say that the people broke the covenant like Adam.  At a time like this, Jesus came and carried out the work of salvation with the twelve disciples, but the pastors and elders at that time did not believe.  Instead, they treated Jesus and his disciples like the Old Testament prophets by labeling them a cult, persecuting them, and killing them.  Amongst them, who is the true pastor and who is the false pastor?  Who is God's pastor and who is the devil's pastor?  As could be seen from the Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus came to the nation that had become Satan's nation, to the pastors who had become Satan's pastors, to the people who had become Satan's people, fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about what was fulfilled. However, Israel did not realize what kind of situation they were in and they thought they were the righteous, chosen people. Jesus and the disciples, who had come into this kind of world, promised what is stated below and were killed. 

< The promise for the Second Coming:  Jesus said he would come like a thief in the night and harvest (Mt 24). 
He said those who are harvested would be sealed in the name of God and Jesus (Rv 7). 
He said God's kingdom, the twelve tribes, would be created through those who are sealed (Rv 14). 
He said if anyone adds to or takes words away from the words of Revelation, he would not be able to enter heaven and be cursed (Rv 22:18-19). 
He said only those whose names are recorded in the book of life are able to enter heaven (Rv 21:27). 
 He said the one who overcomes Satan's pastor would receive the blessings of Rv 2 and 3 (Rv 12). >

Who is the true believer--the one who believes in this word of prophecy or the one who doesn't believe?
What is stated above is one of the most epoch-making and important content of the New Testament that gives hope to the believers.
These prophecies have been fulfilled today in the Republic of Korea.  "I have proclaimed it." 
I have seen and heard the fulfillment, and I am testifying about the physical fulfillment of the prophecies as I have been commanded. 
Are those who persecute someone because that person is testifying about these things believers or the devil?
Are they God's pastors or the devil's pastors?  Please judge for yourself. 
Are they not like the false pastors who killed the prophets and apostles?  Why do they not believe? 
Is it not proof that they do not believe in God or His Word (New Testament) (Rv 21:8)?
Are they not like the priests and elders of Israel who did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and testified about it (Lk 18:8; Rv 9:20-21)?
Are they not the same as those who persecuted Jesus and labeled Jesus a cult?
Will these people go to hell or to heaven?
It is written that people will be judged according to their deeds as written in the books.  Please read Rv 20:12-15 and Jn 12:48.  These things are happening right before our very eyes. 
It is sad to see the false pastors, who are captured by the devil, and it is also sad to see the believers, who are captured by Babylon, the devil's kingdom, and do not know this fact. 
If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around?  It is a sad situation.  They are blind!

The chosen people, whose citizenship was in heaven (Phil 3:20) and who were referred to as the sun, moon, and stars of spiritual Israel (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-13), became dark and fell from heaven. The reason for this is because they were destroyed by Satan's pastor (Mt 24:15).  The reason why the sun and moon (pastor) could no longer shine light (Word) was because they were struck (Rv 8:12) by Satan's pastor's authority.  To say they fell from heaven means that they went from being the citizen of heaven as a result of the Holy Spirit to returning to the earth, that is, the flesh and becoming a part of Babylon's group.  It means they were captured and enslaved (Rv 17, 18). 
This is how the life of faith within spiritual Israel became like the night.  When it becomes like the night, Jesus comes with the angels and harvests.  They come like a thief in the night to gentile Babylon where the believers are captured and quietly bring people out from there.  This is the work of salvation and harvesting.  Please read 1 Thes 5:2; Rv 17:14 and Rv 18:4.  This is why Jesus harvests like a thief in the night. 
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise, one should realize that the promise has been fulfilled when he hears about the news regarding the work of harvesting and come running.  "Those who believe in the New Testament"
The reason why one doesn't come running is because he doesn't believe in the promise. 
Anyone who hears about the work of harvesting, sealing, and the creation of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, realizes that the promised prophecies are coming true, and believes in this would come running. 

Those who do not believe nor come and instead persecute do this because they have become the devil's kingdom, Babylon.  Although they add to or take words away from Revelation and do no not have their names recorded in the book of life, they do not consider this seriously and think of themselves as orthodox.  This is proof that their lives of faith are false.  If they heard that the New Testament prophecies have been fulfilled, they should put everything aside and come looking for the fulfillment.  This is what a believer should do.  Isn't this what believers hoped for and isn't this why believers carried out their lives of faith?
How can a dead life of faith and a dead spirit regard this as precious?  "It is so heartbreaking." 

As the pastors and the people of physical Israel, which had become gentile, did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about it, today, the reason why the pastors and the church members do not believe is because a different water has been mixed.  "Please take a look at Is 1:22."
God gave offered his Son on the cross for the new kingdom of the New Testament.  Jesus, the Son, sacrificed himself and shed his blood.  This was proclaimed for two thousand years and the promised kingdom has been fulfilled as mentioned above.  We are raising our voices and asking people to believe this (refer to Rv 5:4-10). 
If people do not believe like the First Coming, then God, Jesus, and the spirits will strike the ground and wail. 

Let us believe.  Let us unite.  Let us become the promised kingdom.  "The Counselor is crying out."
We at Shincheonji know the reality of each generation through the Spirit of Truth, who comes in the name of the Lord, and this is why we are teaching again through the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level teaching materials.
For those who have not been harvested, we help them to be harvested.  For those who have not been sealed, we help them to be sealed.  For those who have added to or taken words away from Revelation, we help them not to do so.  For those who are not a part of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, we help them to become a part of the twelve tribes.  For those whose names have not been recorded in the book of life, we help them to have their names recorded in the book of life. 
Should we call Shincheonji, who is doing this work, a cult?  Or should we thank them?
Is there anything more precious than this for a believer?
We have sent letters urging repentance and making the facts listed above known to pastors in Korea and all over the world, and therefore, they will not be able to make an excuse by saying they did not hear about it on judgment day (refer to Jn 15:22). 
The words of the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus, are the words of Jesus, and the words of Jesus are the words of God, the Father (Jn 16:8-15). 

The words that were testified were the promised words of Revelation; that is, life was conveyed.  If one does not believe, it does not mean one does not believe in the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus.  It means one does not believe in Jesus' words, that is, one does not believe in God's words. 
Those who believe will receive salvation.  Those who do not believe will be thrown into the lake of fire as a result of the sin of not believing. 
Shincheonji earnestly prays that people will believe and receive salvation. 


- Attachment  1 -

Pastor, do you have the Bible?
When the disciples asked, Jesus said, "...this gospel will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come," (Mt 24:14).  He also said the time of the harvest is the end of the age (Mt 13:37-39). 
The sun, moon, and stars (Gen 37:9-11, Mt 24:29, Rv 6:12-13) turning dark and falling, and the temple being destroyed with not one stone left on another is the end of spiritual Israel.  It is making known that the generation of the church of spiritual Israel has come to an end. 
Please do not neglect words of advice that are given at this time as well as the words that are spoken on behalf of Jesus.
The hearts of the pastors living at the end of the age are like the sun that cannot shine light. 
Our branch is located in Cape Town, and therefore, in order to go to heaven and attain eternal life, please throw away yourself and with a heart to be born again, please study.
It was very difficult to say these words to you, Pastor. 
This is because you are a pastor of stature. 
I ask you earnestly.  You have not learned anything here because of time. 
Please try to lower yourself once, become a layman, and try studying.
There are countless lives depending on you. 

- Attachment  2 -

Dear Pastor Barry Isaacs,

Pastor Barry Isaacs, how are you doing?
I write this letter as I envision you in my mind.
I fear that we were lacking in our hospitality in the midst of a hectic schedule. 
Our prayers are continually with you.

Pastor Isaacs, I liked your facial expressions and your voice. 
If you click on the two Internet broadcasting links ( and the two links of "The Correct Understanding of Shinchonji" (, you will be able to see more information.  Pastor Isaacs, I, too, have thrown everything away and am doing God's work as my life. Let us forgive, love, and bless one another and act in accordance to the Lord's will.
There is nothing to look back at a world that is passing away.

Our branch is available in Capetown and so I would like to request that you would humble yourself like a child, who is not yet mature, and with a heart that desires to be born again, please listen from Lesson 1 of the Introductory Level. 
If you graduate after the Advanced Level, God will be with you.
I have enclosed an attachment.  Please read it.
I pray that the grace of the Lord be with you abundantly.

Man hee Lee

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

[Shincheonji Truth] Judge Shincheonji & Man hee Lee peace leader for yourself

I grew up going to church and attending a Christian school K-12. During my years in university, I was greatly involved in campus ministry, even leading small Bible study groups.
In all my years attending a Christian school and listening to sermon after sermon, there were still a few things that didn’t make much sense and for which no one could supply a sufficient answer. It mostly came down to doctrinal or denominational differences (e.g. baptism, the trinity, the second coming and tribulations, etc.. and yes, about dinosaurs I must admit).

Once I was able to find the truth of the opened word of revelation, things started to slowly fall into place. In the center studies, we learn that once the lamp stand goes out, we are completely in darkness. And that’s the state I had been living all my years of being a devout Christian– in complete darkness. However, I didn’t realize it and was doing the best that I could with what I had  –  man-made doctrines and teachings.

Now that it is revealed that the one promised is here and he is the only who to whom God and Jesus come.. where else have I to go? I find that if I truly want to be with God and Jesus and posses eternal life, I must go to the place where they reside– Mount Zion, Shincheonji, New Heaven and New Earth, where the one who overcomes has established the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel.

Like the 12 disciples at Jesus’ time, we must be able to drop our nets, the only way of life we knew, and follow the one who is sent by God, the one who speaks the words of eternal life. What have we to lose? There is nothing greater worth living for and nothing more valuable than this truth. To anyone who truly desires to know God, His will and hav
e eternal life, the very least you can do is listen to this word; then judge for yourself.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

[Man Hee Lee peace leader;quotes] The pastor whom Jesus has Promised in the New Testament

The Pastor Whom Jesus has Promised in the New Testament
           -Man Hee Lee quotes-

Jesus promised in the New Testament what is yet to be fulfilled.
He said, “I have told you now before it happens, so when it does happen you will believe” (Jn 14:29).
If anyone hears the news regarding the fulfillment of the New Testament, he must make an effort to go and verify the testimony through the Bible.
Such a person is a true believer.
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
Written by Man Hee Lee peace leader(peace advocate)

Friday, September 6, 2013

[Man Hee Lee peace leader;Shincheonji God's Word] Shincheonji, the Extraordinary Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth

Shincheonji, the Extraordinary Kingdom
in Heaven and on Earth

Main reference: Rv 21:1-2

    The extraordinary kingdom (the holy city in heaven in Rv 21:2) mentioned in the main reference is referring to a spiritual realm. It has never been here on earth before. The kingdom of Shincheonji was also never before created on earth. The unification of the spiritual realm and the kingdom of Shincheonji can be referred to as the extraordinary kingdom, Shincheonji. It can be viewed in different perspectives depending on the people, and this is its special feature. What kind of place, then, is Shincheonji?

For the last 6,000 years of Bible history, the kingdom of Shincheonji has never appeared on earth before, not even once. It is a dream-like kingdom which people would never have known, even if others had told them. However, there is a common ground among the people who view Shincheonji differently: They are from the same country, and they speak the same language. What then are the differences among these people? The perspectives on Shincheonji differ depending on the people who view it. Some view it negatively, as if they do not understand it. Some think of it positively and as something very precious. Why are there such different perspectives? The people of the same country regard the people of Shincheonji as vile, whereas the people from different countries consider them very good. What are the reasons for such differences? Even if I tell you the facts, it will still be hard to understand. An Eastern prophet once predicted what was yet to come by saying, "Even if the person chosen by heaven brings three foods which lead people to eternal life, how will the secular people of the world be able to know this?"  Even if heaven knows earth, how will earth be able to know heaven? Earth has its limits, but space and heaven are limitless.

One has come to the extraordinary kingdom, Shincheonji, but he is unable to see its physical image, he only sees Shincheonji and its people. Since Shincheonji people, and this person, speak the language of the same country, they can interact with each other. However, the meaning of the words spoken from the people of Shincheonji, which has been united with the spiritual realm, is different from the words spoken from the people of the world. What type of words do the people of Shincheonji speak? They speak the words of the divine being (i.e. a spirit or God). The divine being resides in words and when they speak, they speak the words containing the purpose of the spirit. This is the reason why the people of the world cannot comprehend the words of the people of Shincheonji. The spirit of flesh, being opposite to the spirit of God, is another reason why the people of the world cannot perceive the words of Shincheonji. Some may question as to how the people from other nations are then able to understand the words. Even if they are foreigners, if they are united with the spirit of God, they are able to perceive and interact through this very spirit of God.

As the kingdom of Shincheonji--the kingdom united with the spiritual realm--has appeared, all the evil spirits from the world have gathered into the nation where it has appeared, and they are ruling over the people. Having been the adversaries of the spirit of the holy God, these wicked spirits block the thoughts of men and steer their thoughts to view Shincheonji with resentment. How can spirits control people? People are likened unto fields and houses where spirits enter and direct people. They sometimes provoke people to have troubles or manipulate them to have disputes. Now that the God of the spiritual world has united as one with the people of Shincheonji, the evil spirits also enter the believers who resemble them and interfere with the work of Shincheonji. This is a battle between the spirits. People whom the spirits enter and use show the same actions as those spirits. Even if it is a father and a son, if the spirits within them are different, the father and the son become engaged into disputes. The paths of their thoughts become disparate. If the God of the spiritual realm had come to Japan or the United States of America, instead of Korea, those places would have been in confusion and chaos, just like the religious world in Korea is at this present time. A pleasant world, a good season, will come if the battle between these two spirits is put to an end, and if the God of the spiritual realm triumphs. However, if the evil spirits prevail, this world will always be in confusion, just like it has been since the times of old. War will end; world peace and the Sabbath-rest will come if the holy spirit wins. The holy spirit of the kingdom of heaven, the spiritual realm, acknowledges Shincheonji because it has received the promised revelation of the New Testament, and it is acting upon the purpose of the revelation. Now it is the era of God, the God of Shincheonji, and the kingdom of heaven. Since spirits and flesh both overcame in heaven and on earth, the world of sin and wickedness, and the world of disputes are becoming the kingdom of heaven.

Even if the world denies it, Shincheonji is acknowledged by heaven. It is truly the kingdom of promise, which God and His Son Jesus, have promised since long ago. It is truly the kingdom of heaven where the spiritual heaven descends, and where people live with God and the angels forever and ever.


Written by Man Hee Lee peace leader(peace advocate)

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

[Man Hee Lee peace advocate; Shincheonji God's Word] The Battle of Armageddon in Revelation

The Battle of Armageddon in Revelation

Main references: Rv 16:13-16; Rv 13:10; Rv 8; Rv 9; Rv 17; Rv 18; Rv 19

-Where is Armageddon?

-What kind of battle is the battle in Rv 16:13-16? Who fights against whom?

-Why must this battle be fought? (Lam 1:21-22; Rv 6; Rv 18)

Armageddon is a flattened hilltop in northern Israel. As the site of many ancient battles, Armageddon is used figuratively in Rv 16:13-16 to represent a spiritual battleground. The war in Rv 16 is a spiritual war fought, not with physical weapons, but with words. This is a war between the spirits and flesh that belong to the devil and the spirits and flesh that belong to God. This is also God’s way of carrying out the work of judgment. The first battle of this war takes place between God’s chosen people at the tabernacle of heaven (the betrayers in Rv 13) and the group of the dragon—the beast who invades the tabernacle of heaven. The second battle is carried out to judge the chosen people (the betrayers) and the beast (the destroyers). Afterwards, the pastors of Babylon are gathered to fight against those who overcame them in Rv 12. The place these gentile pastors are gathered to fight against God’s overcomers is figuratively called the battlefield of Armageddon.
The angels who appear in Rv 15 carry out the work of judgment in Rv 16. The angels use those who were victorious over the beast, his image, and the number of his name as vessels or instruments. God’s wrath is poured into these vessels and then out onto people in Rv 16 as judgment. The words of the Old and New Testaments come from the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Rv 15)—the place from which these judging angels come. This temple is made up of the spirits and flesh that belong to God. The work of judgment also comes from this temple. The group of the dragon (i.e. the beast) is judged according to what it has done in Rv 8, 9, and Rv 13. Fulfilling the request of the martyrs in Rv 6, God repays the destroyers double for what they have done. This is how God’s rage and judgment, which have been held back for the past 6,000 years, are finally released.
To all who claim to believe in God, do you truly know God? Do you truly understand the situation God has been in until today? Have you ever been betrayed? Have you ever lost something as incredibly precious as God has? Have you ever been patient for such a long time? If you truly believe in God, you will understand that now is the time to receive his revealed word (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3; Rv 10).
The great river, Euphrates—the dwelling place for the group of the dragon (Rv 9:14), is dried up because of God’s judgment. The kings who were held captive by the beast are finally able to escape the group of the dragon along this dried river bed. Upon seeing these kings depart, evil spirits like frogs emerge from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophets. They go out to the kings of the whole world (i.e. the pastors who belong to the beast) and gather them for the battle on the great day of God (Rv 16:12-16). At this time of war, the seventh bowl is poured into the air (to the press), and the events of Revelation are made known to the many multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth (Dn 12:2). Babylon is destroyed when its deeds and true identity are revealed.
Since the one who carried out this work of judgment is testifying about this, this testimony is true. Let us reach salvation by believing in this testimony! Jesus atoned for our sins through his blood (Rv 1:5-6) and judged the group of the dragon as stated above. He is indeed delivering people out of the kingdom of demons today. Come and see! Put salve on your eyes (Rv 3:18) and verify if this testimony is true. You will find that it is absolutely true.

Written by Man Hee Lee peace advocate;Chairman of Shincheonji church of Jesus

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

[Man Hee Lee peace advocate; Shincheonji God's Word] The Words in the Bible the Saints Must Perceive, Believe, and Keep

The Words in the Bible the Saints Must
Perceive, Believe, and Keep

Main reference: Hos 4:6

One becomes destroyed if he lacks the word of God, the knowledge of the Bible.

The content of the 66 books (39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament) of the Bible (the Old and the New Testaments) can be categorized into four types: History, teachings (moral instructions), prophecy, and fulfillment.

The logical order of the events that occur in every era: The betrayal of the chosen people, the destruction by gentiles, and salvation through the promised pastor.

The logical order of creation and re-creation:
1. Selection of a pastor
2. Creation of a kingdom
3. Covenant with the chosen people
4. The betrayal of the covenant by the chosen people and destruction
5. Selection of a new pastor
6. Judgment and salvation
7. Creation of a new kingdom
8. New covenant

(The logical order can be seen in ten steps if the numbers 4 and 6 are divided into two parts each--number 4 can be divided into the betrayal of the covenant and destruction, and number 6 into judgment and salvation.)

Distinguishing of the eras during the 6,000 years of biblical history:
1. The era of Genesis
2. The era of the Exodus and the Law
3. The era of the Judges
4. The era of the Kings
5. The era of the Prophets
6. The era of the Gospel of Heaven
7. The era of the Epistles
8. The era of Revelation and Re-creation

Qualifications to enter into heaven: Six things which must be fulfilled in us are.
1. One must be born of the seed of God.
2. One must be harvested.
3. One must be sealed.
4. One must belong to the promised kingdom, the 12 tribes.
5. One must not add to and/or subtract from Revelation.
6. One's name must be recorded in the book of life.

Testimony according to the 5Ws and 1H: who, what, where, when, why, and how

Distinguishing of the pastors:  Pastors are categorized into three types.
1. The pastor of prophecy (Old Testament prophets)
2. The general pastor (a pastor who peaches the fulfillment)
3. The pastor of promise (the pastor promised before things are fulfilled)

These three types of pastors must exist. Among these three, the pastor of promise appears at an appointed time. At the appointed time, everyone must listen to the words of the pastor of the promise in order to attain salvation.

The parables, the secrets from of old, and the testimony of the physical realities (prophecy and fulfillment)

Main references: Mt 13:34-35 (Gn 3:22; Mt 13:11-15)

· The world of Adam: Pastor and creation, covenant (Gn 2:17), betrayal of the covenant by the deception of the gentile, fulfillment of the covenant (Gn 3, Gn 7), judgment and destruction.

· The covenant with Abraham: Gn 15
☞ The fulfillment: The exodus and the entry to Canaan

· The prophecy in the Old Testament: Is 14:24
☞ The fulfillment: “It is finished” in Jn 19:30.

· The prophecy of Revelation in the New Testament: Rv 1:1
☞ The fulfillment: “It is done” in Rv 21:6.

When books of prophecy are testified, both the pastor of prophecy and the pastor of fulfillment need to be testified about. The fulfillment should be testified according to its prophecy as well as to the 5Ws and 1H.

In regard to the fulfillment of the books of prophecy, there is a fulfillment of the Old Testament, and there is a fulfillment of the New Testament. The Old Testament was fulfilled at the time of the first coming, and the New Testament has been fulfilled at the time of the second coming. A promise was given so people will believe when the foretold prophecy comes to pass (Jn 14:29).

Now is the time of the testimony of the fulfillment of the New Testament. At a time like this, causing problems with trivial matters is a trick of Satan. We must realize it is the devil's play which takes our time away and confuses our minds. Let us keep our promise and attain our hope.

Shincheonji is neither the corrupt Christian Council of Korea which is tainted with money, nor is it the people of Canaan who entered Sabbath-rest. We are the leading characters for the work of the new creation. 

 Written by Man Hee Lee peace advocate

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Monday, September 2, 2013

[Man Hee Lee peace leader] Reflections from Man Hee Lee after the Journey to Europe


The below is the reflections from Lee Man Hee, the chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, after his ten day visit to Europe. 

The prophecy, the world (Christian world), pastors, and their congregations are coming to an end.

A new era is being launched. God and heaven are descending upon the 12 tribes of Shincheonji that have been purchased by the blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Let us all receive the returning Lord and live with God in heaven! There is only one Lord.

There is only one Bible.

There is only one purpose of our life of faith.

The only purpose of our faith is in the same God, the same hope, the same heaven and the same eternal life. We are the same brothers and family who have received the same seed of God.
Just as the Lord loves us, we must love each other. We must forgive, love, and bless one another.

 Source : (Shincheonji cafe)
Written by Man Hee Lee