Monday, November 11, 2013

Man Hee Lee Advocate, Prophecies and Fulfillment of God’s Word Man Hee Lee Shincheonji Church of Jesus

Prophecies and Fulfillment
of God’s Word

Main reference: Jn19:30, Rv21:6

Adam who became a living being (Gn2:7) ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that God told him if he are, he will surely die(Gn3). What is this tree of knowledge of good and evil and why was it made? What exactly is this tree that for the past 6,000 years until today the pastors did not know the true identity of this tree? The pastors and congregation members must know it’s true identity.

Inside Scriptures, there are many things hidden since of old, and what was hidden since the creation of the world, Jesus made it known by speaking them in parables (Mt 13:-34-35). At that time, the fulfillment was not spoken since it was not time yet. It was prophesied however, that when the time comes, everything will be plainly known (Mt13, Jn16).                  
What God promised to Abraham (Gn15), He fulfilled all of it at the time of Moses (refer to Ex12:37-41, Jos 1:1-9) and what was promised through the Old Testament prophets, was fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus (Jn19:30). Furthermore, what was promised by Jesus in the New Testament, he promised with his blood that it will fulfill at the time of his second coming (refer to Mt26:26-29, Lk22:14-20,Rv21:6).       
 What the congregation members hope for is the fulfillment of the New Testament. The New Testament is recorded focused on Revelation, and it’s written anyone who adds or takes away from the prophecies of Revelation cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Rv22:18-19).  However, the pastors and the congregation members of this generation have their hearts closed, and do not even think about the prophecies and fulfillment to the New Testament. Instead they are stained with their own thinking, proclaiming commentaries they made on their own, putting it above Scriptures. As a result, although they have the Bible, it’s nothing but a sealed book, with meaningless writings to them. Furthermore, inside the commentaries these people made, they have distorted and misunderstood Scriptures, interpreting it on their own, making it “another gospel” (Gal 1:8-9). This is their seed, it is their wild wine. (Dt32:32-33). Inside God's Word (Bible) contains life (Jn 1:1-4), and inside the words of man born of original and hereditary sins, there is death (refer to R0m5:12, Rom8:6). Those who carry out their walk in faith with the Bible as their standard belong to God, and those who follow books of commentaries belong to man.
God made known what will be fulfilled in the New Testament to the whole world for the past 2,000 years (refer to Mt24:14). Just as He promised, the New Testament was fulfilled in a nation in the East. In order to make this fulfillment known to the churches, Jesus chose a person to testify on His behalf, having him make known the reality to the fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation (Rv22:16).          
Until the faith that is revealed in the New Testament comes, the congregation members are locked up under prophecies (refer to Gal3:23), waiting for that time to come. At the time of the revealed fulfillment, we are no longer under prophecies, but we become righteous through faith that is opened and revealed, becoming the sons of God who receive our inheritance (refer to Gal3:26-29).
The messenger who testifies on behalf in the New Testament is the pastor promised by the Lord, who has seen and heard the fulfillment of the New Testament – Revelation, who makes everything known according to what was commanded to Him, a pastor who is absolutely needed. This promised pastor is one who fought and overcame the pastors of Satan (Rv2-3, 12:10-11), the one and only witness who saw all those who appeared as reality at the location of fulfillment (refer to Rv1:2, 22:8, Rv11).     

Furthermore, he is also the messenger who testifies on behalf whom the Spirit of Truth is with, who comes in the name of the Lord (refer to Rv19:10, 22:16).
At the time of the first coming, to John the Baptist Elijah was with him (Lk1:17), to Jesus God was with him (Mt3:16-17, Jn5). The one who overcomes promised in the New Testament today, the messenger who testifies on behalf, is one with the Spirit of truth the Counselor who comes in the name of Jesus (Jn14:16-17, 26).
The Spirit of Truth is the spirit that brings the Word(Truth), testifying plainly the fulfillment (reality) to what Jesus did not make known plainly and His words spoken in parables (Jn16:12-13, 25).
The pastor whom God fulfilled the promises made to Abraham was Moses. The pastor who fulfilled Old Testament was Jesus (refer to Jn19:30). The pastor at the time of the New Testament fulfilled is just like Jesus (Jn16:33) the One who overcomes (rerfer to Rv2,3,12). The one who overcomes just like Jesus (Mt11:27) received the revealed word of the New Testament, and makes it known (Rv10). The difference between those who received the revealed word of the New Testament verses those who don’t is like the heavens and the earth, the difference between heaven and hell.  Not one person from the church pastors and the congregation members belonging to churches coming to an end according to the New Testament Scriptures (refer to Rv6, Rv13) will gain salvation. Anyone who knows the will of the New Testament will say the same thing.

Although the heir is the owner of everything, when he is a child, he is no different from a slave, a congregation member under guardians and stewards (pastors). When the appointed time comes, God sends the spirit of His son into our hearts, allowing us to become sons who receive God’s inheritance (Gal4:1-7). It is with revealed faith of the New Testament one can become sons of God, the heirs of God’s inheritance. As a result, those who do not receive the revealed word, are like the night, the sons of darkness whether they are pastors or congregation members - who do not know the True God, heaven, Jesus, or the one whom He sent, or the fulfillment of Revelation. However, God and life dwells with those who received the revealed word, so as a result they are like the day, the children of light (1Thes5:1-9).
Those who are in the midst of darkness will believe persecution, which are the actions of Satan are right.
In order to dwell with the Holy Lord, the Light of Life, we too must become righteous, and the way to become righteous is through the revealed word (Jn17:17) that is life and light.

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Friday, November 8, 2013

Man Hee Lee Advocate, Shincheonji Church of Jesus- The Energy of the West That Came to the East, the Fulfillment of the East Made Known to the West

The Energy of the West That Came to the East,
the Fulfillment of the East Made Known to the West

Main reference: Mt 24

God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, sent his son Jesus as the savior of mankind, to a world of evil and sin. Jesus came to this evil world in obedience to God’s command. He took up the cross on our behalf for our sins, granted us life, and left. This means that the world was shown huge grace, and also is in a huge debt to the heavens.  

God said in Acts chapters 1 and 2 to be Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth after receiving the Holy Spirit, and in Matthew 24:14, it is written, “…this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” The “end” here refers to the harvest, “the end of the age”, as written in Matthew 13:37-39. It is also the end of the sun, moon and stars, the end of spiritual Israel, and the end of the churches, where not one stone will be left on another (refer to Mt 24:1-2, 29-31). This is the same time as when the first heaven and the first earth passes away in Revelation 21, and a new heaven and a new earth is created; it is the same time as when the first heaven ends in Revelation 6 and a new heaven is created in Revelation 7.

As Jesus prophesied 2,000 years ago, the gospel of the kingdom was proclaimed from the West to the East (thus, “the energy of the west that came to the east”), all the way to the end of Asia, to the land of the East, the Republic of Korea.   
This was proclaiming that the gospel of the kingdom (prophecies) that Jesus promised would fulfill; and because it has been proclaimed, the gospel has come to an end; and now, as promised, the gospel is being fulfilled. 
The promised gospel was fulfilled in the East, in the Republic of Korea, so now, the fulfillment is to be made known in the West, from where the gospel was first proclaimed. This is the act of returning the energy of the west that came to the east – by making known what has been fulfilled in the east back out to the west. This is making known to the whole world that which it has been waiting for – the fulfillment of the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus promised. Jesus is making this known in the way that he promised in Revelation 22:16, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel (the pastor who speaks on behalf) to give you this testimony (what has been fulfilled in Revelation) for the churches.” Furthermore, it is as Jesus said in John 14:29, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it (what was promised) does happen you will believe.”

To all the believers worldwide living in the New Testament era, who are you waiting for, and what are you waiting for to fulfill? Are you not waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus, for the promised pastor to come, as well as for the New Testament to fulfill? These three things have fulfilled here on earth, so come and see for yourselves! In Matthew 21:43, Jesus told the Israelites at that time, “…the kingdom of God (heaven) will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit,” and that kingdom is here today in the Republic of Korea – Shincheonji.

If the promised Revelation does not fulfill, then there is neither salvation for mankind nor God’s kingdom here on earth. The era promised in the New Testament, the era of harvest, the era of sealing, the era of the creation of the twelve tribes of heaven, and even the era of making known the fulfillment of Revelation, is right now, and right now only. Jesus said that this era will be like the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30). Think hard about those days, and put in strenuous effort now.   

God’s will, and even our hope, is fulfilling heaven here on earth as it is done above. Today, just like the First Coming, other than the one who receives the revealed word (the fulfillment of Revelation), no one knows heaven, God, Jesus, or whom they have sent, and no one can enter heaven (refer to Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3).

Heaven and hell is right in front of us today, so if you have eyes, ears, and discernment, then come and see. The fulfillment of the New Testament is here. Those who see and believe become the citizens of heaven. 

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations

Friday, November 1, 2013

Shincheonji Church of Jeus, 3rd Trip; To Proclaim the Fulfillment From the East to the West_ written by Man Hee Lee Peace Advocate

3rd Trip; To Proclaim the Fulfillment
From the East to the West

Main reference: Rv 22:16

For the work of proclaiming the fulfillment from the east to the west, first, I went to Europe, second, I went to America, and third, I went to Africa.
The world is so wide and big. In a time where people are able to measure how wide the world is, and are now also able to measure how wide the universe is, Shincheonji travelled around the world on a religious mission, according to God’s will. God made the gospel of the kingdom known to the whole world, and now Shincheonji is doing the work of announcing the fulfillment, that has been seen and heard, to the people of the whole world. For the past 6,000 years of God’s history, Satan has tried to sabotage God’s work wherever it is taking place.

Today, the work of Revelation is the biggest work that has taken place in the last 6,000 years of Bible history; it is the work of capturing Satan and throwing him into the abyss (Rev 20:1-3). Would Satan, who knows this, stand by while he watches the work of Revelation being fulfilled today? He is more aggressive than ever. It is written, in Revelation 16, Satan gathers the kings of the earth and evil spirits to fight against God. So, we can say that all the evil spirits in the earth have gathered in this land (the Republic of Korea). At this time, as I have travelled to foreign countries, and their pastors were meek and good people, so much so they could be called righteous people. I was really surprised. I think the reason is because all the evil spirits have gathered in the Republic of Korea, and so now the Republic of Korea is full of pastors who belong to the devil and who are extremely frantic.

Because the blood of Jesus and the word of testimony in Revelation 12 already defeated them, they attack us with evil deeds instead of the word (refer to Rev 12:11). They add lies after lies, and grow in more and more wickedness. They are calling the pastor, who has been working for the CCK for 10 years under the Heresy Control Committee, the ‘most serious heresy,’ this pastor has also worked as the head of the Heresy Control Committee under the branch denomination of the CCK. They are fighting with each other and creating divisions, calling each other heresy. This will bring destruction, their betrayal of each other, and will be the place of the end of the world of evil. At this time, the saints who keep the commandments of the Bible must stay more alert.

First heaven will come to an end (Rev 21:1), and the new heaven of Shincheonji will shine the light of heaven, that is the light of God, into the darkness of the world, revealing the glory of God.
The 6,000 years of this long nightmare will come to an end, and God, the true light of life, will reign and rule the world He once lost (Rev 19:6). Hallelujah! Thanks be to God. All the saints wish for the Creator to reign. Shincheonji, the new kingdom where God dwells, is the kingdom of God (the kingdom of heaven).

Before we left for the third East to West trip, for the work of proclaiming the fulfillment, two million saints of Nigeria invited us, and several hundred thousand saints of Congo invited us and announced the word seminar in advance through media, then they eagerly waited for this day. However, due to the circumstances of the country, the word seminars were cancelled. We went to Ethiopia and South Africa. I met with the presidents of those two countries and formed brotherly ties with them, the two presidents promised to become members of MANNAM.

At the time when we greeted the President, we first showed the video of the highlights of the event on Sept. 16th, 2012, the World Peace Festival: Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light, then we requested that they cooperate with and work for world peace.
The contents of the discussion were as follows. When it comes to war, it is not the presidents, ministers, or legislators who go to fight. It is the young men who go to fight and die. How will this regrettable death be compensated for? We requested cooperation for our work of petitioning for the ‘ending war and for world peace and the restoration of light,’ and to have it turned into an international law, this is something they would do if they truly loved peace, their country and their people. They agreed to and signed the petition. The two presidents pledged to cooperate and participate with our country to work for the Reunification, and for world peace and the restoration of light. The broadcast announcing this content echoed throughout the global community.

We visited the Ethiopian veterans who fought in the Korean War, delivering, gifts and compensation funds. We appeared in 8 broadcasting programs.  The word seminar and meeting were held in South Africa. The word seminar was held at the City hall in the ‘mother city’ of Cape town, and the pastor meeting was held at the national assembly. I met with a pastor who had 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) church members, and a pastor with 40 million church members. They promised they would participate in the work of ‘world peace and restoration of light,’ and will work together in the future. There were a couple more invitations from presidents of other countries, but I postponed the visits until January.

The world finally knows God; the saints are gathered in the kingdom of heaven (Shincheonji), and are being preserved as citizens of the kingdom of heaven.  This third trip of proclaiming the fulfillment from the east to the west is the work that God and the heavenly citizens are happy about.
Amen! Hallelujah!

 written by Man Hee Lee Peace Advocate, Shincheonji Church of Jesus

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations