Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shinchonji’s path of Righteousness – Some Questions for you:

Proverbs 4:18-19 & Isa 8:16-22

Ever thought about how easy it is to get lost when you don’t consult a map.   So, to help us all on our journey back to God’s kingdom, God thought he would make us a map.  We can use it to find righteousness.  It will come in handy especially if we ever find ourselves doubting what we believe.  The catch is that he leaves it up to us to read, it’ up to us to actually consult it, and to make sure we aren’t reading it upside-down or from our own inaccurate perspectives. Now,  since there is one who has been sent to proclaim the truth, one sent by Jesus Christ and God and one who has seen all things from a heavenly perspective, he can explain this map to us according to the word that Jesus revealed to him.All those seeking, should have the spiritual ears to hear and the spiritual eyes to see that we are incredibly blessed to be alive at this time. All nations should take the opportunity to listen to the explanation from “another counsellor”, a counsellor to come after Jesus, but in Jesus’ name… the same way Jesus came in God’s name. This revealed word is being testified from Shinchonji, Church of Jesus, and it is the truth that guarantees we read our map the right way up, understanding all the  road signs and warning signals along the way and following it right to the sea of glass, before God’s throne.

Here’s a hint to get us started on our journey:  often, when prophets in the Old Testament referred to themselves in the context of their own prophecies, they were not referring to themselves.  A certain Ethiopian eunuch asked Philip questions about this in Acts 8:26-38.

The prophet Ezekiel provides a wonderful example of this.  In his visions he saw many things.  In one of his earliest visions he records seeing a hand with a scroll in it stretched out before him.  The scroll is unrolled before him and he is given the instruction to eat the scroll.   After eating the scroll he is sent, by God, to testify the contents of that scroll to the rebellious house of  Israel (Ez 2:9-3:6).

This is interesting because the scroll that was closed at first was only consumable after it was opened.  Before ‘Ezekiel’ eats scroll and delivers its contents to the people of Israel they do not know what the words are.  Thus, in his vision, Ezekiel is appointed God’s messenger to the rebellious people of Israel.

Later on in scripture, this role is revealed to be a prophetic one.  At the time of its fulfilment, it was Jesus who carried out the actions which God had prophetically revealed to Ezekiel.  Col 2:2-3 and Mt 15:24, among others, help us to understand this better.  Perhaps we will write a more extensive explanation of this later, but in the same was that Jesus was given the full revelation of all the old testament prophecies by God, Chairman Man Hee Lee has been given the revelation of all the new testament prophecies by Jesus. At the time of the first coming Jesus came to perfect God’s promises (the Law) by completing them – all the things that were prophesied in the Old Testament were concerning Jesus and fulfilled at Jesus’ first coming (John 5:39), and this was how he completed the prophecies and made them perfect (Matthew 5:17). In the same way our promised pastor today, comes to fulfil all of Jesus’ promises made in the New Testament, he has witnessed the fulfilment of all these prophecies because Jesus opened up the sealed scroll and gave it to him to eat, and then go and testify to all nations, peoples and kings (Revelation 5, Revelation 10).

For now, see if you can answer these:
 1.Who is the I character mentioned in Isa 8:16-22?
 2.How does this I character relate to the light of the sun (“light of day” or “light of noon“) and in what sense did the lamp precede it?
 3.Why is Isa 8:20 the connection between the dim light of a lamp, that shines in a dark place (2 Pt 1:18-19) and the light of dawn?
 4.How can one identify the light of dawn (Isa 8:20)?
 5.What allows the gleaming light of dawn to grow to the full light of the noonday sun (Prv 4:18-19)?

Of course, the most intriguing question is how does this apply to us?

Feel free to post any answers to these below, if you would like.

And if you wish to hear more please contact us, we would love to talk to those seeking to understand.

1 comment:

  1. Come to think of questions to you, I was a pretty basic question. There was no question that I've heard. I'm serious now.
