Thursday, August 29, 2013

[Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee] : Open Bible Seminar in the Philippines - Fulfillment of the East, travels to the South

Open Bible Seminar in the Philippines

“If this word spread, people’s thoughts and their acts will be change.” “I realized that God’s wish is to make peace by making all people into one.” “If this word is preached, peace will come to this country.” - Parts of pastors’ testifies in the Philippines  

Wherever World Peace Leader, Chairman Man Hee Lee, preached the word of fulfillments and peace messages, a magnificent sight that people gathered like clouds appeared. Pastors and Christians that saw this spectacle sight were so amazed.

Fulfillment of the East, Travels to the South

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 – Thursday, June 18, 2013 in the Philippines

Chairman Man Hee Lee and Hee delegation chose the Philippines to notify the solution of world peace for this visiting. They received a passionate welcome from the local pastors and the young. Also, the press in the Philippines showed high interest to a peace activist, Chairman Lee, as soon as they heard that he arrived at the capital of the Philippines, Manila. About 30 main presses attended the conference asking a lot of questions. Chairman Lee took part in live broadcast and introduced the meaning and acts of world peace and the restoration of light. Major press media in the Philippines reported work of Chairman Lee for peace day in.

 Open Bible Seminar, thousands of people gathered – local pastors “Amazing”

  Staying in the Philippines, it was the Open Bible Seminar that it took all interest of residents. Four Seminars were held, and about 5,000 people attended. The first day of Open Bible Seminar, Chairman Lee testified the whole contents of Bible connecting the Old Testament and the New Testament and showed a passionate figure to help listener’s understanding. Pastors were impressed about these points that Chairman Lee testified and showed. Also, they never have listened to this kind of word that is about the fulfillments of the New Testament before, so they were surprised and glad to listen to this word.

Pastors who attended this seminar wanted to listen more about the word of fulfillment, so they invited Chairman Lee to hold another conference. They voluntarily ask Chairman Lee to hold the convocation of Revelation, and about 100 pastors came to listen to the word of Revelation.  After the convocation, they had a question and answer session at dinner time.

“Thank you for delivering the light to the Philippines sincerely.”
  One of pastors expressed his gratitude. Also, pastors who visited Chairman Lee’s seminar said if they have a chance to learn this word, they will learn this word, and they would gather more pastors to learn this word.
    Wherever Chairman Lee goes, the work of Holy Spirit appears. People were happy to meet this Peace Advocate, Chairman Lee, and they could learn the source of the world peace to make world more beautiful than before.

The real material of World Peace is the word of God that is about the fulfillments of the prophecies in the Bible. Shincheonji has the fulfillments of the Bible that no one has ever heard it before, and world will be healed by this word of fulfillment. The world gladded to listen to the word of fulfillment and light, and they already acknowledged this word of God.

 There must be a reason why people wanted to hear this word. Come and listen to the word of God, word of fulfillment, then, you can find the reason why people wanted it.



  1. Now, the Bible did not know the meaning of the Bible Now that you know what it truly thank you.

  2. I found the reason why people wanted his word. His proof is the word of truth to achieve the bible.

  3. Accomplish the promise of the New Testament ! !

  4. He is whom every christian have to meet ~+ Cause Jesus has sent him for his messenger ^

  5. The last two times by President General Lee Man-hee as a shepherd let the angel of peace.

  6. Shepherd of Korea shincheonji manhee-lee is the witness of God and Jesus say that the evidence is revealed in the sky.

  7. Lee Man-hee's President General of the indispensable man. A man who is striving for world peace.

  8. The secret of Book of Revelation that God is consisted today to spirits who starve in relationship as refreshing rain drops to barren soil Yaksokuimokja that do Bakhi testimony meet

  9. Man hee Lee advocate of Peace!!!

  10. Man hee Lee is only one person who can testify about the Fulfillment of Revelation.
