I thank you with all my heart for allowing me the chance to hear more about your promises and the time we are living in today. The word “gratitude” does not seem sufficient enough in describing what I feel toward you and your word of truth.
Thank you for sending us the promised pastor for the second coming, Man Hee Lee, someone who can explain your complete word, so perfectly and fully, from having seen and heard everything he teaches from Jesus Christ (1 Jn 1:1-3, Jn 16:12-15). Thank you that you and Jesus are always with him and are using him to bring healing to this world that has strayed so far from your love (Rev 3:21).
Lord, I pray that you would give us the words to speak about your love, righteousness and truth, words that can open people’s hearts and make those who are deaf and blind able to see clearly and listen to you calling them out from Babylon (Rev 18:2). Please don’t only give us these words, but also the courage to speak them to everyone we meet.
I pray that every action of your children in Shincheonji will be to bless, forgive and love those around us, and that the world will feel the light of heaven and your perfect truth though the way that we treat everyone as precious family. This world was not created to be divided. This world was not made to have borders and hatred, and discrimination and destruction. You have taught us to bring peace and healing to this world. You have asked us to love one another always… to love even those who are ignorant of you. I pray that all Christians can honor your word, and can hear the testimony you have sent to us today, to make known the rest of what the Bible has promised. May all religions find unity in the truth, please send strong angels to help us be obedient as it is your will for us to complete this task and restore peace to your creation.
Father, I ask that the burdens of your heart would become the duty of ours, and that the end will come quickly.
Hear our prayers and please send your truth and your light to guide us always on our way to your eternal kingdom (Ps 43:3, Ps 119:105). Keep us humble and forever grateful and please lead the whole world to Shincheonji, with hearts hungry to hear and test your true word in the Bible.
You know everything that we need and so I ask that you would continue to provide for every child of yours, exactly according to what they require in order to change their hearts and be made in your holy image.
Thank you for your love, and your light that is our hope and our vision.
All these things I bring before you, in the name of your son, Jesus Christ
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