Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Man Hee Lee interview: Frankfurt Rhein-Main TV

Today, there was a lecture given by the founder of Shinchonji, Chairman Man Hee Lee, regarding the end of the age and Revelation. The explanation of Revelation by Shinchonji is said to be the way for everyone to understand the Bible, for those who are interested.
The Bible is one. However, there are so many different interpretations and doctrines regarding it. But Shinchonji is testifying to what has been fulfilled (according to the Bible).
Currently, there are 300 Bible schools (of Shinchonji), in 13 different countries.



  1. Bible school is 300? It is large.

  2. Thank you for the grace of God.

  3. Let's listen and confirm an evidence by Bible whether the appointment of Jesus was accomplished.

  4. Thank God about letting us the way to life.

  5. Biblical prophecy fulfilled sounds like the only place where you can hear the

  6. Will feel that God together. The Word of God is coming eternal kingdom.

  7. The world knows Lee, Man Hee as God's messenger.

  8. Kingdom of God everyone is waiting
    New drug is made in two thousand years
