Shincheonji stands for "New Heaven and New Earth," with the meaning of the new tabernacle and new congregational members. (2 Peter 3:13, Mt 13:31-32, Rv 14:1-5, Rv 15:2-5) Just as Moses built the tabernacle on earth as a copy according to what God had shown him in the vision of heaven, today SHINCHEONJI is created on this earth as according to what the Promised Pastor has seen in the spiritual heaven. Therefore, Shincheonji is God's kingdom created on earth as in heaven.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Shinchonji-The qualifications to become a family of Shinchonji Church of Jesus—the kingdom of God
If you want to become a amily of the twelve tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ)—God’s kingdom here on Earth—you must be born again by sealing the revealed word of the New Testament in your mind and in your hearts (Jas 1:18, Rv 7:3-4). First, you must be evangelized with the revealed word and must carefully study the Bible. This step, the elementary level, is compared to drinking milk in Heb 5:13. When you are qualified, you will be given an interview at one of our mission centers. After passing the interview, you will progress through three different levels of Bible study (i.e. elementary, intermediate, and advanced), taking an exam before progressing to the next level. Each level lasts about two months, making the whole course of three levels last roughly six months. After this training course is complete there is a final exam of about 300 questions. You must receive a score of 90% or above to pass. Finally, after graduating from the mission center, you must pass a new comer’s orientation that lasts between one and two months in order to register as a member of SCJ.
Anyone who does not score 90% or above on their exam at the end of each level must retake the same level again. No one is allowed to advance to the next level without passing this exam. Although anyone can register as a member of regular churches, SCJ is very different. Only people who seal (Rv 7:4-8) the word of God in their hearts and minds in fulfillment of the new covenant (Heb 8:10) can be qualified as citizens of heaven. The pastors and congregations of regular churches do not have the word (Am 8:11-13). For this reason, God is re-creating the people of his kingdom with those who are born again.
As stated, SCJ graduates have all received 90% or better on a final exam consisting of 300 questions about the Bible. If the chairmen, pastors, theologians, and elders of the world’s denominations were to take this test, however, they would not even be capable of answering 20% of the questions correctly. It may seem outlandish, but this claim has actually been verified. If you think you can get over 90% of these Bible questions correct, please come to take the test. Who, according to the words of the new covenant (Heb 8:10), are true believer from God’s point of view? Without question, God will acknowledge SCJ mission center graduates as true believers. SCJ people want God more than power or money.
Today, there is so much false information circulating in the Korean Christian world. Every day, however, there are more and more wise believers coming to learn the revealed word of the Bible in SCJ. We are busily holding graduation ceremonies every week. This is evidence that the one true God and his faithful followers are siding with SCJ.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
[Shinchonji Church Volunteer] local environmental cleanup, Street cleaning in Po-Cheon
Save the Environment of Po-Cheon !
The campaign to clean up the environment is a grass-roots effort. Well, should we start first shinchonji members?using plastic bags, we poured the trash in a plastic bag.
Let’s get busy with the clearing up.
All of shinchonji members rolled up their sleeves and pitched into cleaning the streets.
shinchonji members cleaned up their streets and worked hard to local enbironmental cleanup.
There is still ots of trash over rough and smooth. we should take more interest in the local environment. why don't we try to make the beautiful streets together? -shinchonji church of jesus :)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Prayer for all to hear the words of life-Prayer by a member of Shinchonji
Father God,
I would like to thank you for your mercy and grace, which you bestowed upon me that I would be so blessed to hear the word of the opened scroll at this time of Revelation’s fulfilment!
Father God, I pray that I would be changed into more of your image and likeness through your word of truth. Please wash me daily with your word.
Where I am lacking, please transform me by the renewing of my mind by your word.
Heavenly father, please also use me to help others hear this word of testimony. Please give them eyes to see and ears to hear, just like the disciples had towards Jesus’ words at the first coming. Please prepare their hearts and remove the weeds that have been sown in them from the evil one.
Please protect those with hungry hearts for this word. Please protect them from the lies that Satan has instilled into others, who call what they do not understand as a cult or of the devil. Please help them to realize that they need to humble themselves and verify with scripture that this is the word of truth.
Heavenly father, please guide people out of Babylon, those who have been drunk with the maddening wine of adulteries. Please lead them according to your light and truth, so that they would be in the place where you promised to dwell forever—Mt. Zion.
Thank you, Father, for the work of Jesus on the cross, which atoned for our sins, and it is with Jesus’ blood that we have been able to become a kingdom of priests and a kingdom at this time. May the spiritual blood of Jesus refine us and wash the robes of our hearts.
I pray all of these things in the name of Jesus,
I would like to thank you for your mercy and grace, which you bestowed upon me that I would be so blessed to hear the word of the opened scroll at this time of Revelation’s fulfilment!
Father God, I pray that I would be changed into more of your image and likeness through your word of truth. Please wash me daily with your word.
Where I am lacking, please transform me by the renewing of my mind by your word.
Heavenly father, please also use me to help others hear this word of testimony. Please give them eyes to see and ears to hear, just like the disciples had towards Jesus’ words at the first coming. Please prepare their hearts and remove the weeds that have been sown in them from the evil one.
Please protect those with hungry hearts for this word. Please protect them from the lies that Satan has instilled into others, who call what they do not understand as a cult or of the devil. Please help them to realize that they need to humble themselves and verify with scripture that this is the word of truth.
Heavenly father, please guide people out of Babylon, those who have been drunk with the maddening wine of adulteries. Please lead them according to your light and truth, so that they would be in the place where you promised to dwell forever—Mt. Zion.
Thank you, Father, for the work of Jesus on the cross, which atoned for our sins, and it is with Jesus’ blood that we have been able to become a kingdom of priests and a kingdom at this time. May the spiritual blood of Jesus refine us and wash the robes of our hearts.
I pray all of these things in the name of Jesus,
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Faith and Shinchonji ; What is true faith?
True faith goes far deeper than believing in that which we cannot see… there is so much to be said about what God’s word teaches us about faith. After all, only faith acknowledged by God is faith worth having.
Monday, May 27, 2013
[Shinchonji God's Word] Pastors Who Did not Believe in Every Generation & the Persecution
Main reference: Is 1
(further reference: Acts 7:51-53; Mt 23; Mt 5:11-12; Lk 20; 1 Kgs 11)
In every generation, why do the pastors not believe, lie, and persecute?
God made a covenant with the Israelites, who came out of Egypt, through Moses in Ex 19:5-6.
The content of the covenant: If you keep my covenant, you will become God's kingdom and priests and a holy nation.
However, they bowed down to gentile gods during the time of Solomon as it is written in 1 Ki 11, and as a result, eleven tribes became North Israel, that is, gentile, and in Jerusalem, which was located in the South, Judah was the only tribe left.
As it is written in 1 Ki 11, as could be seen from Is 1, Judah and Jerusalem were also captured by the gentiles.
In order to save these people, God prophesied numerous times through the Old Testament prophets about the future of Judah and Jerusalem and made it known to His people that Jesus, the savior, would come.
However, the pastors, who had become Satan's gentile pastors, cruelly killed the prophets, who prophesied. Regarding this, Jer 31 and Hos 6 say that the people broke the covenant like Adam. At a time like this, Jesus came and carried out the work of salvation with the twelve disciples, but the pastors and elders at that time did not believe. Instead, they treated Jesus and his disciples like the Old Testament prophets by labeling them a cult, persecuting them, and killing them. Amongst them, who is the true pastor and who is the false pastor? Who is God's pastor and who is the devil's pastor? As could be seen from the Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus came to the nation that had become Satan's nation, to the pastors who had become Satan's pastors, to the people who had become Satan's people, fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about what was fulfilled.
However, Israel did not realize what kind of situation they were in and they thought they were the righteous, chosen people.
Jesus and the disciples, who had come into this kind of world, promised what is stated below and were killed.
< The promise for the Second Coming: Jesus said he would come like a thief in the night and harvest (Mt 24).
He said those who are harvested would be sealed in the name of God and Jesus (Rv 7).
He said God's kingdom, the twelve tribes, would be created through those who are sealed (Rv 14).
He said if anyone adds to or takes words away from the words of Revelation, he would not be able to enter heaven and be cursed (Rv 22:18-19).
He said only those whose names are recorded in the book of life are able to enter heaven (Rv 21:27).
He said the one who overcomes Satan's pastor would receive the blessings of Rv 2 and 3 (Rv 12). >
Who is the true believer--the one who believes in this word of prophecy or the one who doesn't believe?
What is stated above is one of the most epoch-making and important content of the New Testament that gives hope to the believers.
These prophecies have been fulfilled today in the Republic of Korea. "I have proclaimed it."
I have seen and heard the fulfillment, and I am testifying about the physical fulfillment of the prophecies as I have been commanded.
Are those who persecute someone because that person is testifying about these things believers or the devil?
Are they God's pastors or the devil's pastors? Please judge for yourself.
Are they not like the false pastors who killed the prophets and apostles? Why do they not believe?
Is it not proof that they do not believe in God or His Word (New Testament) (Rv 21:8)?
Are they not like the priests and elders of Israel who did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and testified about it (Lk 18:8; Rv 9:20-21)?
Are they not the same as those who persecuted Jesus and labeled Jesus a cult?
Will these people go to hell or to heaven?
It is written that people will be judged according to their deeds as written in the books. Please read Rv 20:12-15 and Jn 12:48. These things are happening right before our very eyes.
It is sad to see the false pastors, who are captured by the devil, and it is also sad to see the believers, who are captured by Babylon, the devil's kingdom, and do not know this fact.
If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around? It is a sad situation. They are blind!
The chosen people, whose citizenship was in heaven (Phil 3:20) and who were referred to as the sun, moon, and stars of spiritual Israel (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-13), became dark and fell from heaven. The reason for this is because they were destroyed by Satan's pastor (Mt 24:15). The reason why the sun and moon (pastor) could no longer shine light (Word) was because they were struck (Rv 8:12) by Satan's pastor's authority. To say they fell from heaven means that they went from being the citizen of heaven as a result of the Holy Spirit to returning to the earth, that is, the flesh and becoming a part of Babylon's group. It means they were captured and enslaved (Rv 17, 18).
This is how the life of faith within spiritual Israel became like the night. When it becomes like the night, Jesus comes with the angels and harvests. They come like a thief in the night to gentile Babylon where the believers are captured and quietly bring people out from there. This is the work of salvation and harvesting. Please read 1 Thes 5:2; Rv 17:14 and Rv 18:4. This is why Jesus harvests like a thief in the night.
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise, one should realize that the promise has been fulfilled when he hears about the news regarding the work of harvesting and come running. "Those who believe in the New Testament"
The reason why one doesn't come running is because he doesn't believe in the promise.
Anyone who hears about the work of harvesting, sealing, and the creation of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, realizes that the promised prophecies are coming true, and believes in this would come running.
Those who do not believe nor come and instead persecute do this because they have become the devil's kingdom, Babylon. Although they add to or take words away from Revelation and do no not have their names recorded in the book of life, they do not consider this seriously and think of themselves as orthodox. This is proof that their lives of faith are false. If they heard that the New Testament prophecies have been fulfilled, they should put everything aside and come looking for the fulfillment. This is what a believer should do. Isn't this what believers hoped for and isn't this why believers carried out their lives of faith?
How can a dead life of faith and a dead spirit regard this as precious? "It is so heartbreaking."
As the pastors and the people of physical Israel, which had become gentile, did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about it, today, the reason why the pastors and the church members do not believe is because a different water has been mixed. "Please take a look at Is 1:22."
God gave offered his Son on the cross for the new kingdom of the New Testament. Jesus, the Son, sacrificed himself and shed his blood. This was proclaimed for two thousand years and the promised kingdom has been fulfilled as mentioned above. We are raising our voices and asking people to believe this (refer to Rv 5:4-10).
If people do not believe like the First Coming, then God, Jesus, and the spirits will strike the ground and wail.
Let us believe. Let us unite. Let us become the promised kingdom. "The Counselor is crying out."
We at Shinchonji know the reality of each generation through the Spirit of Truth, who comes in the name of the Lord, and this is why we are teaching again through the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level teaching materials.
For those who have not been harvested, we help them to be harvested. For those who have not been sealed, we help them to be sealed. For those who have added to or taken words away from Revelation, we help them not to do so. For those who are not a part of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, we help them to become a part of the twelve tribes. For those whose names have not been recorded in the book of life, we help them to have their names recorded in the book of life.
Should we call Shinchonji, who is doing this work, a cult? Or should we thank them?
Is there anything more precious than this for a believer?
We have sent letters urging repentance and making the facts listed above known to pastors in Korea and all over the world, and therefore, they will not be able to make an excuse by saying they did not hear about it on judgment day (refer to Jn 15:22).
The words of the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus, are the words of Jesus, and the words of Jesus are the words of God, the Father (Jn 16:8-15).
The words that were testified were the promised words of Revelation; that is, life was conveyed. If one does not believe, it does not mean one does not believe in the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus. It means one does not believe in Jesus' words, that is, one does not believe in God's words.
Those who believe will receive salvation. Those who do not believe will be thrown into the lake of fire as a result of the sin of not believing.
Shinchonji earnestly prays that people will believe and receive salvation.
(further reference: Acts 7:51-53; Mt 23; Mt 5:11-12; Lk 20; 1 Kgs 11)
In every generation, why do the pastors not believe, lie, and persecute?
God made a covenant with the Israelites, who came out of Egypt, through Moses in Ex 19:5-6.
The content of the covenant: If you keep my covenant, you will become God's kingdom and priests and a holy nation.
However, they bowed down to gentile gods during the time of Solomon as it is written in 1 Ki 11, and as a result, eleven tribes became North Israel, that is, gentile, and in Jerusalem, which was located in the South, Judah was the only tribe left.
As it is written in 1 Ki 11, as could be seen from Is 1, Judah and Jerusalem were also captured by the gentiles.
In order to save these people, God prophesied numerous times through the Old Testament prophets about the future of Judah and Jerusalem and made it known to His people that Jesus, the savior, would come.
However, the pastors, who had become Satan's gentile pastors, cruelly killed the prophets, who prophesied. Regarding this, Jer 31 and Hos 6 say that the people broke the covenant like Adam. At a time like this, Jesus came and carried out the work of salvation with the twelve disciples, but the pastors and elders at that time did not believe. Instead, they treated Jesus and his disciples like the Old Testament prophets by labeling them a cult, persecuting them, and killing them. Amongst them, who is the true pastor and who is the false pastor? Who is God's pastor and who is the devil's pastor? As could be seen from the Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and Jesus came to the nation that had become Satan's nation, to the pastors who had become Satan's pastors, to the people who had become Satan's people, fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about what was fulfilled.
However, Israel did not realize what kind of situation they were in and they thought they were the righteous, chosen people.
Jesus and the disciples, who had come into this kind of world, promised what is stated below and were killed.
< The promise for the Second Coming: Jesus said he would come like a thief in the night and harvest (Mt 24).
He said those who are harvested would be sealed in the name of God and Jesus (Rv 7).
He said God's kingdom, the twelve tribes, would be created through those who are sealed (Rv 14).
He said if anyone adds to or takes words away from the words of Revelation, he would not be able to enter heaven and be cursed (Rv 22:18-19).
He said only those whose names are recorded in the book of life are able to enter heaven (Rv 21:27).
He said the one who overcomes Satan's pastor would receive the blessings of Rv 2 and 3 (Rv 12). >
Who is the true believer--the one who believes in this word of prophecy or the one who doesn't believe?
What is stated above is one of the most epoch-making and important content of the New Testament that gives hope to the believers.
These prophecies have been fulfilled today in the Republic of Korea. "I have proclaimed it."
I have seen and heard the fulfillment, and I am testifying about the physical fulfillment of the prophecies as I have been commanded.
Are those who persecute someone because that person is testifying about these things believers or the devil?
Are they God's pastors or the devil's pastors? Please judge for yourself.
Are they not like the false pastors who killed the prophets and apostles? Why do they not believe?
Is it not proof that they do not believe in God or His Word (New Testament) (Rv 21:8)?
Are they not like the priests and elders of Israel who did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and testified about it (Lk 18:8; Rv 9:20-21)?
Are they not the same as those who persecuted Jesus and labeled Jesus a cult?
Will these people go to hell or to heaven?
It is written that people will be judged according to their deeds as written in the books. Please read Rv 20:12-15 and Jn 12:48. These things are happening right before our very eyes.
It is sad to see the false pastors, who are captured by the devil, and it is also sad to see the believers, who are captured by Babylon, the devil's kingdom, and do not know this fact.
If they do not believe in the Bible, why do they carry it around? It is a sad situation. They are blind!
The chosen people, whose citizenship was in heaven (Phil 3:20) and who were referred to as the sun, moon, and stars of spiritual Israel (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-13), became dark and fell from heaven. The reason for this is because they were destroyed by Satan's pastor (Mt 24:15). The reason why the sun and moon (pastor) could no longer shine light (Word) was because they were struck (Rv 8:12) by Satan's pastor's authority. To say they fell from heaven means that they went from being the citizen of heaven as a result of the Holy Spirit to returning to the earth, that is, the flesh and becoming a part of Babylon's group. It means they were captured and enslaved (Rv 17, 18).
This is how the life of faith within spiritual Israel became like the night. When it becomes like the night, Jesus comes with the angels and harvests. They come like a thief in the night to gentile Babylon where the believers are captured and quietly bring people out from there. This is the work of salvation and harvesting. Please read 1 Thes 5:2; Rv 17:14 and Rv 18:4. This is why Jesus harvests like a thief in the night.
If one truly believes in Jesus and his words of promise, one should realize that the promise has been fulfilled when he hears about the news regarding the work of harvesting and come running. "Those who believe in the New Testament"
The reason why one doesn't come running is because he doesn't believe in the promise.
Anyone who hears about the work of harvesting, sealing, and the creation of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, realizes that the promised prophecies are coming true, and believes in this would come running.
Those who do not believe nor come and instead persecute do this because they have become the devil's kingdom, Babylon. Although they add to or take words away from Revelation and do no not have their names recorded in the book of life, they do not consider this seriously and think of themselves as orthodox. This is proof that their lives of faith are false. If they heard that the New Testament prophecies have been fulfilled, they should put everything aside and come looking for the fulfillment. This is what a believer should do. Isn't this what believers hoped for and isn't this why believers carried out their lives of faith?
How can a dead life of faith and a dead spirit regard this as precious? "It is so heartbreaking."
As the pastors and the people of physical Israel, which had become gentile, did not believe even if Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and proclaimed about it, today, the reason why the pastors and the church members do not believe is because a different water has been mixed. "Please take a look at Is 1:22."
God gave offered his Son on the cross for the new kingdom of the New Testament. Jesus, the Son, sacrificed himself and shed his blood. This was proclaimed for two thousand years and the promised kingdom has been fulfilled as mentioned above. We are raising our voices and asking people to believe this (refer to Rv 5:4-10).
If people do not believe like the First Coming, then God, Jesus, and the spirits will strike the ground and wail.
Let us believe. Let us unite. Let us become the promised kingdom. "The Counselor is crying out."
We at Shinchonji know the reality of each generation through the Spirit of Truth, who comes in the name of the Lord, and this is why we are teaching again through the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level teaching materials.
For those who have not been harvested, we help them to be harvested. For those who have not been sealed, we help them to be sealed. For those who have added to or taken words away from Revelation, we help them not to do so. For those who are not a part of the promised kingdom, the twelve tribes, we help them to become a part of the twelve tribes. For those whose names have not been recorded in the book of life, we help them to have their names recorded in the book of life.
Should we call Shinchonji, who is doing this work, a cult? Or should we thank them?
Is there anything more precious than this for a believer?
We have sent letters urging repentance and making the facts listed above known to pastors in Korea and all over the world, and therefore, they will not be able to make an excuse by saying they did not hear about it on judgment day (refer to Jn 15:22).
The words of the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus, are the words of Jesus, and the words of Jesus are the words of God, the Father (Jn 16:8-15).
The words that were testified were the promised words of Revelation; that is, life was conveyed. If one does not believe, it does not mean one does not believe in the messenger, who speaks on behalf of Jesus. It means one does not believe in Jesus' words, that is, one does not believe in God's words.
Those who believe will receive salvation. Those who do not believe will be thrown into the lake of fire as a result of the sin of not believing.
Shinchonji earnestly prays that people will believe and receive salvation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
[shinchonji God's Word] Glory in heaven & peace on earth
Main references: Lk 2:14; Lk 19:38-42
What is glory in heaven and peace on earth? It is the end of sin and wickedness, and of both physical and spiritual war. It is the coming of world peace and restoring of light. It was also the message that an angel passed on to shepherds (Lk 2:14).
Lk 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.
Jesus' disciples also offered praise with the same content (Lk 19:35-38).
Lk 19:35-38 The whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:38 "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Having heard this word, the snakes (Mt 23:33), the Pharisees said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" Jesus replied to them, "I tell you. If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes” (Lk 19:41-42). He continued on saying, “The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you” (refer to Lk 19:43-44; Mt 24:1-2).
Because of this word Jesus was teaching, the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the leaders among the people were looking for the means to kill Jesus (Lk 19:47-48). Is today not like this?
They were persecuting Jesus and labeling him as a heretic, a man with a contagious illness, and a demon-possessed person, just to cover up their faults, shortcomings, and their shamefulness. Roughly 2,000 years have passed by. What about today? Jesus spoke about how there would be betrayers, destroyers, and a savior regarding today. He also stated that not one stone here would be left on another, and that the destroyer would stand in the holy place. At that time, the pastors in the temple and their congregation will receive the mark from the destroyers and worship them. Whoever does not worship them will get killed. Those who kill people will think, “This is the way to offer a service to God.” If a savior appears in the midst of this situation, how intensely he must get persecuted! It becomes obvious how people will treat the persecuted savior.
This is the small and narrow path of salvation. It is not as easy as we think to attain salvation without understanding the history for the last 6,000 years and the prophecy regarding today. Primarily, one must understand the word of the prophecy in the New Testament. Next, one must recognize the betrayers and the destroyers by using the recorded word of promise. Third, one must know the promised savior.
Such work is the will that God is going to accomplish, but people are being like dim lamps. They are carrying out their life of faith with incomplete faith, and they attend church habitually just as they have been doing as always. This is why corruption has slipped into people without them recognizing it. Darkness has covered their hearts and thoughts so that they will not receive the revelation (i.e. the revealed word). Even if salvation belongs to God, how can it enter into people if their hearts have been closed?
At a time like this, one understands this and appears as a savior. He puts his life on line and fights with the truth. He overcomes with the blood of Jesus and the word of his testimony (Rv 12). This person is the savior whom God acknowledges. It is only when one overcomes that he can retrieve what was lost. It is only when one overcomes that he can save those who have been held captive. It is also only when one overcomes that he can establish God’s kingdom. One must overcome the devil, the world, and himself. One must know God’s promise, the New Testament, and he must see what is of heaven in order to establish on earth just as it is done in heaven (Mt 6:10; Rv 21).
Just as the promise with Abraham was fulfilled at the time of Moses, and just as the promises through the Old Testament prophets were fulfilled at the time of Jesus, one must know how Jesus’ promise (the New Testament) will also be fulfilled today at the time of the one who overcomes. The one who fulfills it is the one who has promised it. The messenger who speaks on behalf sees what has been fulfilled, and he testifies about it. No one can testify about the fulfillment without having seen, heard, or known it. God recorded what was yet to be fulfilled as prophecies in the Bible. If the recorded promise has been fulfilled, the book of prophecy serves as a testimony for the promise (the prophecy). What serves as a testimony for the prophecy is the fulfilled physical reality. Furthermore, what serves as a testimony for the promised pastor who testifies about the fulfillment is the fulfilled physical entities (Dt 18:18-22). Several pastors have been interpreting the book of prophecy in different ways according to their own thoughts, but their interpretations lack credibility because they do not have the fulfilled physical entities.
Two thousand years ago at the time of the first coming, Jesus stated how peace was hidden from the eyes of the people in Jerusalem. It was hidden from Jerusalem because Satan killed all the spirits of the saints in the Jerusalem temple through the snakes, the Pharisees. It was also because they did not like the words of peace and Jesus, the messenger of peace. Just as it says, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men,” world war will only end when religious war—in which people dispute with one another, claiming to be the truth—comes to an end. This is going to happen as the truth overcomes, and religions are unified through the truth. War will come to an end as Satan, the spirit of wickedness, is seized and locked up. It will be glory to God and peace to men as the God of peace retrieves the world he created and reigns over it. This is how we send away the old and welcome the new. This is truly a good season.
Today the whole world desires peace, and people are helping it to be accomplished. Everyone longs for the culture of heaven, peace, and restoration of light. We have uncovered the shroud that enfolded people, and we are accomplishing world peace.
Today the truth has triumphed over the world. Peace will come to each person as Satan, the dragon, is captured and locked up, and as the God of peace reigns. Peace and restoration for you and me. Let us offer glory to our God.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
[Shinchonji] Are we too good to fall?
I saw this brilliant little animation the other day on YouTube made by a man named David Lisbe.
While it is quite amusing, and not entirely the situation described in the Bible regarding the fall of Satan, I couldn’t help but be reminded of that situation when watching the smug pride of the angel guarding heaven’s gates. Satan “grew fat” on his own beauty and perfection and his arrogance became so great that he even thought he could ascend higher than God. People who reject God’s word do so because they hold their own words and opinions in higher regard, which is what Satan did as well. (Gen 3:2-5, Deut 32:15, Is 14:12-15) It goes to show us that although we were created with the purpose of being made in God’s image and dwelling with God, if we do not know his words, and keep humbly testing them, following them, and being obedient to them, there are many factors Satan presents that can prevent us from fulfilling God’s will for our lives.
Although you are standing firmly and feel as if you know and have all truth, watch out that he does not deceive you (Mt 24:4) and watch out that you do not fall (1 Cor 10:12)… even God’s most prized creation, his “right hand man,” fell when he stopped honoring God’s will and word. Test every word according to Scripture alone! (Job 34:3, 1Jn 4:1, Act 17:11, Mt 12:33, Deut 18:21-22, Acts 5:38-40) We have to overcome with the truth and always remember that arrogance and pride are blinding.
Revelation 3: 17: You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
1 Peter 5: 6: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
Philippians 2: 3: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
While it is quite amusing, and not entirely the situation described in the Bible regarding the fall of Satan, I couldn’t help but be reminded of that situation when watching the smug pride of the angel guarding heaven’s gates. Satan “grew fat” on his own beauty and perfection and his arrogance became so great that he even thought he could ascend higher than God. People who reject God’s word do so because they hold their own words and opinions in higher regard, which is what Satan did as well. (Gen 3:2-5, Deut 32:15, Is 14:12-15) It goes to show us that although we were created with the purpose of being made in God’s image and dwelling with God, if we do not know his words, and keep humbly testing them, following them, and being obedient to them, there are many factors Satan presents that can prevent us from fulfilling God’s will for our lives.
Although you are standing firmly and feel as if you know and have all truth, watch out that he does not deceive you (Mt 24:4) and watch out that you do not fall (1 Cor 10:12)… even God’s most prized creation, his “right hand man,” fell when he stopped honoring God’s will and word. Test every word according to Scripture alone! (Job 34:3, 1Jn 4:1, Act 17:11, Mt 12:33, Deut 18:21-22, Acts 5:38-40) We have to overcome with the truth and always remember that arrogance and pride are blinding.
Revelation 3: 17: You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
1 Peter 5: 6: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
Philippians 2: 3: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
[Shinchonij God's Word] Have you been harvested?
All things about God and heaven can be answered through God’s word, since God and his word are never separate (Jn 1:1).
Let’s look at what scripture says about each simple question.
Have you been harvested?
In Matthew 13 Jesus tells the Parable of the Weeds:
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
second coming, the “end of the age” (Mt 13:39).
At the time of the first coming Jesus was the good man who sowed the seed of the kingdom of heaven in his field, the field of Christianity. But there comes a time when the seed that has been growing in Jesus’ fields needs to be harvested.
It tells us that at the end of the age Jesus will come with his angels and harvest the good grain, the wheat, from the field – those who have been born of the word of God (Mt 13:39; Mt 24:30-31). They do not remain in the field; instead they are harvested and taken to the barn.
parable of the weeds Shinchonji
So, what then are the weeds?
The weeds represent those that are born of the lies of Satan (the seed of the devil), and are therefore “sons of the evil one” (Mt 13:25 & 38). They are not born of the word of truth, they are not God’s children (James 1:18).
Even though for many years the two seeds grow together and are perhaps indistinguishable between the two for a while, it becomes very clear who truly belongs to God (wheat) and who actually belongs to the evil one (weeds) at the time of the harvest.
Those that are harvested are the good grains, those that remain in the field are the weeds, born of lies, and ultimately end up being burned (Mt 13:30 & 40).
If we are those who claim to belong to God, then we have to be those who are harvested. If we claim to be harvested, then we have to be those who know where and what the barn is (Mt 13:30).
Mt 24:15-16 is also a prophecy concerning the second coming. We have to be those who flee to the mountains, not those who stay in the temple when we see the abomination standing in the holy place. This is the same situation as being harvested out of the field in Mt 13.
Where are God’s firstfruits gathered today, at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment? Rv 14:1-4 tells us that those who belong to God and Jesus are gathered at Mt Zion, God’s dwelling place (Ps 43:3; Is 2:2). They have come out of Babylon (Rv 18:4), and have gathered before God’s throne at Mt Zion. These are the good grains that have been harvested and taken to the barn (Mt Zion).
If we claim to be those who are harvested and those who truly belong to God, then we have to know where and what Mt Zion is. If we stay in the same place and never ‘flee’ then we prove ourselves to be those who have chosen to stay in the holy place with the abomination. Those that remain in the field and refused to be harvested prove themselves to be the weeds.The wheat Shinchonji.
Today, at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, the harvest is taking place (Rv 14:14-16). God is with the promised pastor, whom he has sent, and that promised pastor is at Shinchonji, Church of Jesus – the Temple Tabernacle of the Testimony. He is testifying to the truth of Revelations fulfillment! Have you heard? Can you judge it according to the words Jesus promised us? And are you following the word of God to his holy mountain?
Today is the time of harvest… Do not remain in the field!!
Have you been harvested?
Let’s look at what scripture says about each simple question.
Have you been harvested?
In Matthew 13 Jesus tells the Parable of the Weeds:
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
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95th graduation ceremony of John tribe held on 24th June 2012. |
At the time of the first coming Jesus was the good man who sowed the seed of the kingdom of heaven in his field, the field of Christianity. But there comes a time when the seed that has been growing in Jesus’ fields needs to be harvested.
It tells us that at the end of the age Jesus will come with his angels and harvest the good grain, the wheat, from the field – those who have been born of the word of God (Mt 13:39; Mt 24:30-31). They do not remain in the field; instead they are harvested and taken to the barn.
parable of the weeds Shinchonji
So, what then are the weeds?
The weeds represent those that are born of the lies of Satan (the seed of the devil), and are therefore “sons of the evil one” (Mt 13:25 & 38). They are not born of the word of truth, they are not God’s children (James 1:18).
Even though for many years the two seeds grow together and are perhaps indistinguishable between the two for a while, it becomes very clear who truly belongs to God (wheat) and who actually belongs to the evil one (weeds) at the time of the harvest.
Those that are harvested are the good grains, those that remain in the field are the weeds, born of lies, and ultimately end up being burned (Mt 13:30 & 40).
If we are those who claim to belong to God, then we have to be those who are harvested. If we claim to be harvested, then we have to be those who know where and what the barn is (Mt 13:30).
Mt 24:15-16 is also a prophecy concerning the second coming. We have to be those who flee to the mountains, not those who stay in the temple when we see the abomination standing in the holy place. This is the same situation as being harvested out of the field in Mt 13.
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Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Shinchonji |
If we claim to be those who are harvested and those who truly belong to God, then we have to know where and what Mt Zion is. If we stay in the same place and never ‘flee’ then we prove ourselves to be those who have chosen to stay in the holy place with the abomination. Those that remain in the field and refused to be harvested prove themselves to be the weeds.The wheat Shinchonji.
Today, at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, the harvest is taking place (Rv 14:14-16). God is with the promised pastor, whom he has sent, and that promised pastor is at Shinchonji, Church of Jesus – the Temple Tabernacle of the Testimony. He is testifying to the truth of Revelations fulfillment! Have you heard? Can you judge it according to the words Jesus promised us? And are you following the word of God to his holy mountain?
Today is the time of harvest… Do not remain in the field!!
Have you been harvested?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
[Shinchonji meaning of the gospels] Draw me Close to You
A thought form the Word:
Are you approved by men, or by God? it is only by the word that we can measure ourselves to God’s standard of life, love and religion.
Live a life by God’s standard alone!
2 Tim 2:15: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Gal 1:10: Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
2 Tim 2: 23 – 26: Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
Monday, May 13, 2013
[Shinchonji meaning of the gospels] HOPE is coming
Romans 8:18-24: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[a] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
The words of this song make me examine my heart and how desperately I hunger for God’s will… How much am I doing to understand God’s heart, not only expecting him to hear and understand mine? How much does my spirit groan and yearn for what God wants? Let’s be the people who can prove to God that we are indeed trustworthy of the precious life and gift of truth he has given us! (Luke 19:17)
“If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy (Philippians 3:20)
I can only conclude that I was not made for here (Psalm 100:3)
If the flesh that I fight is at best only light and momentary,(Psalm 90:10)
then of course I’ll feel nude when to where I’m destined I’m compared”
“I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for hope to come for me” (Romans 8:22)
“For we, we are not long here
Our time is but a breath, so we better breathe it
And I, I was made to live, I was made to love, I was made to know you(John 17:3)
Hope is coming for me,
Hope, He’s coming” (Romans 5:5)
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
The words of this song make me examine my heart and how desperately I hunger for God’s will… How much am I doing to understand God’s heart, not only expecting him to hear and understand mine? How much does my spirit groan and yearn for what God wants? Let’s be the people who can prove to God that we are indeed trustworthy of the precious life and gift of truth he has given us! (Luke 19:17)
“If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy (Philippians 3:20)
I can only conclude that I was not made for here (Psalm 100:3)
If the flesh that I fight is at best only light and momentary,(Psalm 90:10)
then of course I’ll feel nude when to where I’m destined I’m compared”
“I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for hope to come for me” (Romans 8:22)
“For we, we are not long here
Our time is but a breath, so we better breathe it
And I, I was made to live, I was made to love, I was made to know you(John 17:3)
Hope is coming for me,
Hope, He’s coming” (Romans 5:5)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
[Shinchonji God's Word] God and the Chosen Pastor
The text: Jn 16:8-15
In every generation, there was a pastor who was chosen by God. In the New Testament, who, when, and where is the promised pastor?
God chose Moses and through him He fulfilled what was promised to Abraham. What God fulfilled through Moses, was previously spoken to His people, the Israelites, before it was fulfilled. Furthermore, Jesus was chosen (Lk 9:35) to fulfill the prophecies and testify what was previously spoken through the Old Testament prophets.
The prophecies of the New Testament were prophesied through Jesus and His disciples. At the time of the second coming, one pastor (the one who overcomes) is chosen, shown the events of the fulfillment and told to testify what was seen and heard to the world.
In each of the different generations, there are pastors of prophecy who speak of the future, but there is also a pastor who testifies to what was seen and heard. The second of these two is the promised pastor, whom God has chosen.
Prophecies are told in advance, so that the fulfillment can be believed in at the time they are seen and fulfilled (Jn 14:29). The prophecies of the New Testament (gospel of the kingdom of heaven) that will be fulfilled, is made known to the whole world as a testimony to all nations (Mt 24:14). When the gospel of the kingdom of heaven is spread to all nations, then the end will come, the Lord will return and fulfill the promised prophecies (Mt 24:29-31).
At this time, the Lord chooses the witness who saw and heard the events of fulfillment, from the location in which they were fulfilled. He is then commanded to make this information known to the churches. The congregation members, who have heard the testimony concerning the fulfilled prophecies, must examine whether the prophecies were fulfilled according to the promises of the scriptures. They must then believe in this reality, and become those who testify about them together.
All believers today have the Bible, and within the content of the scriptures, history, moral instructions (teachings), prophecies and fulfillment are recorded. The people, who live at the time of the New Testament, believe that the New Testament prophecies will be fulfilled in the future. They all gather their hands in prayer, waiting for that day. Since God has always fulfilled His promises, (Is 14:24, Hab 2:2-3), one can certainly believe God will also fulfill the New Testament promises.
However, there is no one who knows regarding when, or where this fulfillment will occur. Nor do they know who will see these events of fulfillment, and testify to them. Not only this, but the meaning of the New Testament, which was recorded in parables, is even harder to understand (Mt 13:34-35, Jn 16:25). Also, no one actually knows how big these events truly are.
The purpose of God’s 6,000 years of biblical history is recorded in the New Testament. It is recorded that a new world will be created (Rv 7, 14, 21, 22). When the New Testament is fulfilled, God’s new kingdom is created, and we become the people of heaven in this new kingdom. By receiving salvation, we are receiving the greatest and highest blessings given in 6,000 years. We must ask ourselves, since we will be dwelling with God and receive heaven and eternal life, is there a bigger blessing than this out there?
However, it is recorded in scriptures regarding this era, ‘will there be any faith on this earth’ (Lk 18:8). As a result of betrayal and destruction, which has taken over this world, there will be an increase in wickedness (Mt 24). At a time like this, there must be one who fights and win these lawless men for there to be salvation, and for the promised kingdom of God to stand (Rv 12:10-11). Let us believe in this truth and be those who inherit salvation.
We must find the promised pastor spoken of in the Bible and become the people of heaven. The promised kingdom, New Heaven and New Earth “Shinchonji”, is the promised kingdom in the New Testament, and is fulfilled today, according to the promises of the Bible. Those who believe in this are those born of God’s seed. Those who do not believe and persecute this are those born of Satan’s seed.
Shinchonji people are of heaven, they have been harvested and sealed according to the promises in the Bible. They are reborn as new creations. Not believing in this truth is evidence of being born of Satan’s seed. Just because someone is a pastor, it does not make him or her God’s pastor. And just because someone calls himself or herself a believer, it does not automatically make them people of God. We must ask, if one considers themselves a person of God, is there any reason to refuse being harvested and sealed?
The firstfruits harvested in Revelation 14, are the fruits from the seed (gospel of the kingdom) Jesus planted 2,000 years ago. This was done in accordance to the fulfillment of prophecies (Mt 13:24-30). The seed Jesus planted at the first coming, is the fulfillment of the prophecies given in Jeremiah 31:27, and the two seeds Jesus and the devil sowed were planted together in Jesus’ field (churches).
At the time of harvest, it is only the ripened wheat, from the good seed planted by Jesus, who are harvested and taken in front of the throne where God dwells. The ripened fruit born of the good seed are the sons of heaven. Those not harvested at the time of harvest, but are left remaining in the field (churches), are the sons of the evil one born of Satan’s seed (Mt 13:37-40). The actions of all those refusing to believe the fulfillment of God’s promises, testify they are not born of God’s seed.
We at Shinchonji overcame (we overcame Satan and the world with Truth and the word of testimony), have been harvested, sealed, and have created God’s kingdom the 12 tribes. Additionally, Shinchonji is where heaven and the earth became one (Mt 6:10, Rv21), the place of salvation for the entire world. Those who believe in the New Testament will come to Shinchonji. This is the place recorded in the Scriptures; this is the place of the fulfillment of God’s will. Amen!
In every generation, there was a pastor who was chosen by God. In the New Testament, who, when, and where is the promised pastor?
God chose Moses and through him He fulfilled what was promised to Abraham. What God fulfilled through Moses, was previously spoken to His people, the Israelites, before it was fulfilled. Furthermore, Jesus was chosen (Lk 9:35) to fulfill the prophecies and testify what was previously spoken through the Old Testament prophets.
The prophecies of the New Testament were prophesied through Jesus and His disciples. At the time of the second coming, one pastor (the one who overcomes) is chosen, shown the events of the fulfillment and told to testify what was seen and heard to the world.
In each of the different generations, there are pastors of prophecy who speak of the future, but there is also a pastor who testifies to what was seen and heard. The second of these two is the promised pastor, whom God has chosen.
Prophecies are told in advance, so that the fulfillment can be believed in at the time they are seen and fulfilled (Jn 14:29). The prophecies of the New Testament (gospel of the kingdom of heaven) that will be fulfilled, is made known to the whole world as a testimony to all nations (Mt 24:14). When the gospel of the kingdom of heaven is spread to all nations, then the end will come, the Lord will return and fulfill the promised prophecies (Mt 24:29-31).
At this time, the Lord chooses the witness who saw and heard the events of fulfillment, from the location in which they were fulfilled. He is then commanded to make this information known to the churches. The congregation members, who have heard the testimony concerning the fulfilled prophecies, must examine whether the prophecies were fulfilled according to the promises of the scriptures. They must then believe in this reality, and become those who testify about them together.
All believers today have the Bible, and within the content of the scriptures, history, moral instructions (teachings), prophecies and fulfillment are recorded. The people, who live at the time of the New Testament, believe that the New Testament prophecies will be fulfilled in the future. They all gather their hands in prayer, waiting for that day. Since God has always fulfilled His promises, (Is 14:24, Hab 2:2-3), one can certainly believe God will also fulfill the New Testament promises.
However, there is no one who knows regarding when, or where this fulfillment will occur. Nor do they know who will see these events of fulfillment, and testify to them. Not only this, but the meaning of the New Testament, which was recorded in parables, is even harder to understand (Mt 13:34-35, Jn 16:25). Also, no one actually knows how big these events truly are.
The purpose of God’s 6,000 years of biblical history is recorded in the New Testament. It is recorded that a new world will be created (Rv 7, 14, 21, 22). When the New Testament is fulfilled, God’s new kingdom is created, and we become the people of heaven in this new kingdom. By receiving salvation, we are receiving the greatest and highest blessings given in 6,000 years. We must ask ourselves, since we will be dwelling with God and receive heaven and eternal life, is there a bigger blessing than this out there?
However, it is recorded in scriptures regarding this era, ‘will there be any faith on this earth’ (Lk 18:8). As a result of betrayal and destruction, which has taken over this world, there will be an increase in wickedness (Mt 24). At a time like this, there must be one who fights and win these lawless men for there to be salvation, and for the promised kingdom of God to stand (Rv 12:10-11). Let us believe in this truth and be those who inherit salvation.
We must find the promised pastor spoken of in the Bible and become the people of heaven. The promised kingdom, New Heaven and New Earth “Shinchonji”, is the promised kingdom in the New Testament, and is fulfilled today, according to the promises of the Bible. Those who believe in this are those born of God’s seed. Those who do not believe and persecute this are those born of Satan’s seed.
Shinchonji people are of heaven, they have been harvested and sealed according to the promises in the Bible. They are reborn as new creations. Not believing in this truth is evidence of being born of Satan’s seed. Just because someone is a pastor, it does not make him or her God’s pastor. And just because someone calls himself or herself a believer, it does not automatically make them people of God. We must ask, if one considers themselves a person of God, is there any reason to refuse being harvested and sealed?
The firstfruits harvested in Revelation 14, are the fruits from the seed (gospel of the kingdom) Jesus planted 2,000 years ago. This was done in accordance to the fulfillment of prophecies (Mt 13:24-30). The seed Jesus planted at the first coming, is the fulfillment of the prophecies given in Jeremiah 31:27, and the two seeds Jesus and the devil sowed were planted together in Jesus’ field (churches).
At the time of harvest, it is only the ripened wheat, from the good seed planted by Jesus, who are harvested and taken in front of the throne where God dwells. The ripened fruit born of the good seed are the sons of heaven. Those not harvested at the time of harvest, but are left remaining in the field (churches), are the sons of the evil one born of Satan’s seed (Mt 13:37-40). The actions of all those refusing to believe the fulfillment of God’s promises, testify they are not born of God’s seed.
We at Shinchonji overcame (we overcame Satan and the world with Truth and the word of testimony), have been harvested, sealed, and have created God’s kingdom the 12 tribes. Additionally, Shinchonji is where heaven and the earth became one (Mt 6:10, Rv21), the place of salvation for the entire world. Those who believe in the New Testament will come to Shinchonji. This is the place recorded in the Scriptures; this is the place of the fulfillment of God’s will. Amen!
God's pastor,
Man Hee Lee,
New testament,
old testament,
promised pastor,
shinchonji church of jesus,
Shinchonji Word,
Friday, May 10, 2013
[Shinchonji God's Word] The True Path and Teacher of Faith
Where is the true path to faith, and who is the true teacher of faith?

The path to heaven that God has shown us is the Holy Scriptures, and the true teacher that we must follow is also the Holy Scriptures. This teacher and this path are the only true ones. How can one be called a believer if he does not follow this teacher and path but instead follows a flesh and what the flesh says? The lives that the flesh (man) leads result in straying far from the true word and teacher (i.e. the word) and in making their own paths onto which they lead others. Then they claim that their teachings are orthodox. In a world like this, would the laws made by these self-proclaimed Gods allow the revelation, that is, the true path of God, to be testified (2 Thes 2:4, 9-12)? Jesus said that no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him, and that knowing God is eternal life (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3). The world today has met the promised era of harvest (the end of the age) (Mt 13:39-40), but as the revelation and the work of the Holy Spirit has been stopped (in the world of believers), no one knows this. This is why each church practices their faith out of habit and their own thinking. It has become night where there is no light of truth (Jn 9:4; Lk 18:8; 1 Thes 5:1-3). The spiritual sun, moon and stars have darkened and fallen from the sky (Rv 6:12-14; Mt 24:29), and the life of faith that started in the Spirit has returned to the flesh (Gal 3:3).
After 2,000 years of night since Jesus gave his promise, that promise is finally fulfilled as prophesied. Just as how the promised revelation came to Apostle Paul (Gal 1:11-12), how it came to Apostle John (Rv 1:1-3), and how it came to Jesus at the First Coming (Mt 11:27), the promised revelation has come to us in this night as the true light. This revelation is passed on from God’s hand to Jesus (Rv 5:1-7), from Jesus’ hand to the angel (Rv 10:1-2), from the angel’s hand to the promised pastor, the one who overcomes (Rv 10:8-11), and is finally passed on from the promised pastor to the promised servants, the 144,000 of the twelve tribes, and to the great multitude in white robes, as life and the light (Rv 1:1-2; 10:1-11). This is the long-awaited rain in the drought. This is the promised word of God, but will one believe it? I ask this to those who have let go of God and his word and instead are believing and following the flesh of man (pastor).
This is the final and last revelation, and without believing this, there is no salvation. This revelation has come to Shinchonji Church of Jesus today. I advise you to come out of the darkness, into the light, believe, and be saved (1 Thes 5:1-9).
Thursday, May 9, 2013
[shinchonji god's word] The Pastor of Truth and of Lies
Main reference: Jn17:17, Jn1:1-5, Jn8:44
What is the meaning of truth and lies?
Truth means logic and a lie is when it does not accord with logic. Truth is the word of God, and a lie is the word of evil. The truth is the seed of life that belongs to God, and lies are the seed of death that belongs to the devil.
Truth is from God, and lies are from the devil. Depending on whether the word of a preacher is of truth or not, he or she is classified as either God's pastor or Satan's pastor. On a superficial level, both of them might look the same, seeming like God's pastors. However, Satan's pastors pretend to be God's pastors, dressed in sheep’s clothing, and they are guided by the evil spirit dwelling in them.
As an example, let's have a look at the chief priests (pastors), the elders and the congregation at the time of Jesus' first coming. They were seemingly pastors, workers and the chosen people of God, but they were manipulated by the spirit of Satan living within them to persecute, murder and interrupt, as you may know.
The only way to discern these two kinds is with the holy bible, since their acts can be revealed according to the bible. Therefore, Jesus said to 'repent' (Mt 4:17), and to 'be reborn of water and the spirit (holy spirit) (Jn3:5)'. Unless you're not reborn, you would be just the kingdom and people of Satan. Therefore, apostle Paul said 'as it is written, there is no one righteous, not even one' (Ps14:2-3, Ro3:10).
Similarly, even in today’s time you will not be able to find the truth nor orthodox away from the bible. Not being able to come to the public dispute requested by Shinchonji, why do they persecute, curse and engage in forced conversions and murders? Is that the commandment of Jesus? Is this orthodoxy? It is only an exertion of their ecclesiastical authority. They say there are almost 60 legal advisers of CCK (The Christian Counsel of Korea), and for what are these people needed? There are laws of the earth and laws of the heaven. The laws of the earth are a compendium of law, and the laws of heaven are the 66 books of holy bible. Even if it is not a violation of the law in this world that does not mean that they're innocent according to the laws of heaven.
The reason why pastors who insist on lies persecute the promised pastor who speaks the truth is because their testimonies are being proven to be false; their congregations leave them distrusting them.
God prophesied in the bible beforehand to let us know about the betrayer, the destroyer and the savior. When the three existences appear, each of them commits to what they are meant to do as written on the bible. A believer realizes who the betrayer, the destroyer and the savior are reflecting on their deeds based on the bible. Therefore, unless the believer know the bible properly, he or she would not be able recognize the betrayers from the chosen people, the gentile destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior.
If one has no interest in the bible, it is because he or she has no true faith as a purpose. If he or she did not have real concerns on the heaven and hell, or any interest in truth and untruth, their faith is not for the sake of a true wish. If one truly believed in the word of Jesus and kept the faith in heaven, he or she would have made efforts to know the real meaning of the word.
If the members of the city of truth, beautiful Shinchonji and all the believers around the world took a test about the bible, what would be the result like? If the members of Shinchonji got 90 points, all other congregations (with their pastors included) would not even get 20 points. As that is the fact, even if Jesus promised (prophesied) and fulfilled the promise, how could they figure it out and believe that? Since they taught lies and the commandments of men, how could they know the word of promise? If they were told the truth, they would say 'what is truth?' To some renowned man, I told that he should know the true God, and he said 'God is just God. What is true God?', and accused the one who said 'the true God' as a heresy.
Therefore, a believer should be born of the word to know the true God (Jn17:3), to know the truth, and believe the promised covenant who became in flesh. It is a pity that many pastors in the world are preaching false testimonies and feeding their congregations notes that are made of lies. The liars, the pastors of lies should realize that they are the pastor of Satan in the bible, and seek for the truth to be reborn as true believers.
Jesus bore the cross and bled to save us from the sin. He let us know where the omens of the 2nd coming will appear in Mt. 24, Rev. 13 and 12. Any pastor who teaches the war mentioned in those passages as the war of the world is a false pastor who makes up lies. The case of rapture and 666 barcode were all made up. The testimony of the one who saw and heard the war is the only truth.
Jesus told us about betrayers, destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior in the second coming (2Th2:1-4, Rev.6,12,13), and that he will return (Jn14:2-3). The omens that would appear then are written in Mt.24 and in the book of Revelation. He told us about being destroyed and being saved. He spoke about the period of tribulations when the pastor of Satan goes in and trample over the church(Rev. 13:5), the mountain where the believers should escape to and hide themselves in (Mt. 24:15-16, Rev. 14:1-5), and the Kingdom of God and his new temple which is to be created in the second coming (Rev.7, Rev.21:1-7, 15:4-5).
I dearly pray that the believers follow God's word recorded in the bible and receive salvation.
What is the meaning of truth and lies?
Truth means logic and a lie is when it does not accord with logic. Truth is the word of God, and a lie is the word of evil. The truth is the seed of life that belongs to God, and lies are the seed of death that belongs to the devil.

As an example, let's have a look at the chief priests (pastors), the elders and the congregation at the time of Jesus' first coming. They were seemingly pastors, workers and the chosen people of God, but they were manipulated by the spirit of Satan living within them to persecute, murder and interrupt, as you may know.
The only way to discern these two kinds is with the holy bible, since their acts can be revealed according to the bible. Therefore, Jesus said to 'repent' (Mt 4:17), and to 'be reborn of water and the spirit (holy spirit) (Jn3:5)'. Unless you're not reborn, you would be just the kingdom and people of Satan. Therefore, apostle Paul said 'as it is written, there is no one righteous, not even one' (Ps14:2-3, Ro3:10).
Similarly, even in today’s time you will not be able to find the truth nor orthodox away from the bible. Not being able to come to the public dispute requested by Shinchonji, why do they persecute, curse and engage in forced conversions and murders? Is that the commandment of Jesus? Is this orthodoxy? It is only an exertion of their ecclesiastical authority. They say there are almost 60 legal advisers of CCK (The Christian Counsel of Korea), and for what are these people needed? There are laws of the earth and laws of the heaven. The laws of the earth are a compendium of law, and the laws of heaven are the 66 books of holy bible. Even if it is not a violation of the law in this world that does not mean that they're innocent according to the laws of heaven.
The reason why pastors who insist on lies persecute the promised pastor who speaks the truth is because their testimonies are being proven to be false; their congregations leave them distrusting them.
God prophesied in the bible beforehand to let us know about the betrayer, the destroyer and the savior. When the three existences appear, each of them commits to what they are meant to do as written on the bible. A believer realizes who the betrayer, the destroyer and the savior are reflecting on their deeds based on the bible. Therefore, unless the believer know the bible properly, he or she would not be able recognize the betrayers from the chosen people, the gentile destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior.
If one has no interest in the bible, it is because he or she has no true faith as a purpose. If he or she did not have real concerns on the heaven and hell, or any interest in truth and untruth, their faith is not for the sake of a true wish. If one truly believed in the word of Jesus and kept the faith in heaven, he or she would have made efforts to know the real meaning of the word.
If the members of the city of truth, beautiful Shinchonji and all the believers around the world took a test about the bible, what would be the result like? If the members of Shinchonji got 90 points, all other congregations (with their pastors included) would not even get 20 points. As that is the fact, even if Jesus promised (prophesied) and fulfilled the promise, how could they figure it out and believe that? Since they taught lies and the commandments of men, how could they know the word of promise? If they were told the truth, they would say 'what is truth?' To some renowned man, I told that he should know the true God, and he said 'God is just God. What is true God?', and accused the one who said 'the true God' as a heresy.
Therefore, a believer should be born of the word to know the true God (Jn17:3), to know the truth, and believe the promised covenant who became in flesh. It is a pity that many pastors in the world are preaching false testimonies and feeding their congregations notes that are made of lies. The liars, the pastors of lies should realize that they are the pastor of Satan in the bible, and seek for the truth to be reborn as true believers.
Jesus bore the cross and bled to save us from the sin. He let us know where the omens of the 2nd coming will appear in Mt. 24, Rev. 13 and 12. Any pastor who teaches the war mentioned in those passages as the war of the world is a false pastor who makes up lies. The case of rapture and 666 barcode were all made up. The testimony of the one who saw and heard the war is the only truth.
Jesus told us about betrayers, destroyers and the promised pastor, the savior in the second coming (2Th2:1-4, Rev.6,12,13), and that he will return (Jn14:2-3). The omens that would appear then are written in Mt.24 and in the book of Revelation. He told us about being destroyed and being saved. He spoke about the period of tribulations when the pastor of Satan goes in and trample over the church(Rev. 13:5), the mountain where the believers should escape to and hide themselves in (Mt. 24:15-16, Rev. 14:1-5), and the Kingdom of God and his new temple which is to be created in the second coming (Rev.7, Rev.21:1-7, 15:4-5).
I dearly pray that the believers follow God's word recorded in the bible and receive salvation.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
[Shinchonji God's Word] Persecutors who curse others and the savior who blesses
The New Testament prophesied about the appearance of both persecutors and the savior. Just as the first coming fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies (Jn 19:30), these two groups will act according to the New Testament prophecies when the time of fulfillment comes. How, then, can we distinguish the persecutors from the savior? The Bible says in Matt 7:15-20 that we will be able to recognize them by their fruit (actions).
Why do persecutors persecute and slander others (Matt 5:10-12; Matt 7:1-5)? According to 2 Thes 2:9-10, people who have evil spirits inside them come displaying all kinds of counterfeit signs and miracles in accordance with the work of Satan. The one with the God’s holy spirit comes in accordance with righteousness and truth. If a person’s spirit is dead, he or she will be unable to understand.
God’s son Jesus testified about God, God’s word, heaven, and eternity (Jn 12:49-50). These are the kinds of things for which believers should hope (Jn 6:51-57; Jn 8:45-55; 1 Cor 15:51-54; Rev 21:1-6). In the time of the first coming, the Jews slandered Jesus by calling him a cult leader, Beelzebub, and demon-possessed just because he proclaimed the truth about heaven and eternity (Matt 12:22-28; Acts 24:5). Which spirits do you think were working through these people?
We must see God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit according to the Bible. In the scriptures, we can also see two witnesses who stand before the Lord of the earth (Zec 4; Rev 11) and a son who sits on the throne of Jesus (Rev 3:21). We must understand that this son is the one who overcomes. He is not God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. We must not misunderstand this point or else we will commit the sin of blasphemy against the Spirit.
A man named Mr. Shin has betrayed Shinchonji and united with the Christian Council of Korea. They are making up all kinds of lies to persecute Shinchonji chairman Man Hee Lee. It is their wish to make the world see our chairman as a crazy person who thinks he is Jesus or the spirit of God. This all stems from their ignorance of the Bible. Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. Likewise, Jesus is also the founder of Shinchonji Church of Jesus. In spite of all our attempts to correct them, they continue to tell lies making Man Hee Lee out to be the founder and saying that our congregation members can be saved by eating his flesh and drinking his blood. They claim that Shinchonji people even pray in the name of Man Hee Lee. These are all baseless lies.
Lots slanderous comments have been posted on the Internet. Who is doing such a thing? Where does the Bible say people should do this? The Bible tells us that those who lie belong to Satan and that we should not judge others (Matt 5:10-12; Matt 7:1-5; Jn 8:44). These slanderous comments, therefore, must have been made by those who belong to Satan. Jesus commanded us to love, forgive, and bless others. Is that what they are doing? They call themselves orthodox. They claim to be saved before the prophecies of betrayal, destruction and salvation are fulfilled. These are pure lies, but this is why Jesus prophesied that there would be lots of deception and many trials on the earth at the end of the age (Matt 24:3-4; Rev 3:10). The slanderous words that are posted on the Internet are lawless acts for which these people will be judged in the end. Believers should be able to discern whether these comments came from God or Satan by using the Bible as a standard. The pastors of the world fight against Shinchonji, not because it is a cult, but because do not want their congregation members to leave them and follow the real truth.
According to a poll conducted by the National Statistical Office of Korea, the number of Christians in Korea was estimated to be 8.6 million. This number reveals a dramatic decline when compared to the 12 million members about which Korean churches previously boasted. What do you think happened? The beginning of this decline can be traced back to the 90’s, when the Christian Council of Korea began to crack down on churches they felt were cults. They held seminars for pastors and lay people that were led by pastors who claimed to specialize in identifying cults. Many of the 3 million Christians who have left Presbyterian churches moved to Catholic churches. Others have come to Shinchonji, and still others have completely abandoned their religion. What is the root cause? The fact is that the bible colleges have no word; they have no truth.
We, at Shinchonji Church of Jesus, are enlightening people with the word of truth. We pray that you too will receive the truth and be saved.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
[shinchonji truth] Become like-minded, with God, Jesus and the One who Overcomes
Philippians 2:1-11: If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7 but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
What does it really mean to be able to be like-minded?
To be united in purpose and in spirit?
Whose Spirit?
How often do you really consider others to be better than yourself? (Lk 14:11, Lk 13:30) Someone very wise once told me that I should be able to learn something new from every single person I meet. I am sure that he is not the only person who has had this idea, but do we walk around with this kind of humble and gentle attitude. Are Christians meant to judge? or are they meant to love? love even their enemy!
To know of all the wisdom in the world, and never put any of it into action, should be the greatest injustice to ones self you could commit (Jms 2:14, Jms 2:26, Jms 3:13). To claim to be Christian and then not act at all the way Christ did, or the way he asked us to behave is not something acceptable in Gods eyes, in fact he tells us that we are without excuse of not knowing who he is and being prepared for his second coming (Rom 1:20, 2Tim 3:116-17). For we are those with the 6000 years of Biblical history, recorded for us today as evidence and proof of God’s eternal love for his children … who are his children? Surely those who carry his seed (Luke 8:11) and those who are made in his spiritual image (1 Pet 1:23, Jn 10:33-35), those who follow his greatest commandment – to LOVE! ( 1 Cor 13, Jn 14:15, Jn 14:23).
Jesus asks for all men to be united. When all religions and all men realize that what they hunger for and are seeking to understand is this love, the love of God! That we are not all so different, in fact we yearn for the same thing (Rom 8:22-23). The word that is taught from Shinchonji teaches us to strive to be like-minded, strive to set aside our own, opinionated and flawed ideas of who is right and who is at fault and to use God’s eternal standard to create hearts according to the pattern he set out for us in his word. It is all there, like a blueprint, like a manual. A manual not only for our path to God, but a manual for the bridge to World Peace.
When all the religions of this world can unite, the old will pass away and a new thing will come. There will be World Peace, and there in that time and place God’s kingdom will be established (Rev 21:1-4).
Friday, May 3, 2013
6-7 May 2013: Shinchonji Open Bible Seminar lead by the Advocate
As a member of Shinchonji, I can testify that while we take God’s word as the highest teaching, the most respected and feared word, the highest priority in our lives, and the greatest blessing… we welcome all and any who would like to also hear and understand God’s word. There is flash mob and a huge amount of hope that awaits those who truly understand God’s will and so Shinchonji members want to share that joy and fun with others.
while advertising an opportunity for everyone to come and hear the opened and revealed word of the New Testament.
People can say what they will, we will never stop wanting to share the truth, with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts… Please come and hear for yourself about what Mr Man Hee Lee is testifying. Listen before making a blind judgement, that someday you might regret.
Enjoy the flash mob – There are a lot of people ( around 3,000 people participate) in flash mob.
while advertising an opportunity for everyone to come and hear the opened and revealed word of the New Testament.
People can say what they will, we will never stop wanting to share the truth, with smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts… Please come and hear for yourself about what Mr Man Hee Lee is testifying. Listen before making a blind judgement, that someday you might regret.
Enjoy the flash mob – There are a lot of people ( around 3,000 people participate) in flash mob.
This is Shinchonji members advertising for our Open Bible Seminar held on May 6 – 7, 2013 in Seoul, South Korea.
The Seminars are at 2pm and 7pm each day and they will be held around Olympic Park.
You can watch the seminar live on in Korean.
If you would like to attend this seminar there will be translation available in whatever language you may require.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
[Shinchonji Word] Let’s Ask Ourselves

According to the Bible and specifically Rv 20:12, a person is judged by their acts and gets sent to either the Kingdom of Heaven or to the Abyss.
Have I acted according to God's will as written in Mt 7:21-27?
God promised through Jeremiah to "plant an offspring" (Jer 31:27), and about 600 years later in Jesus' first coming He planted the offspring as promised and promised again to harvest (Mt 13:24-30, 39-40). Since then about two thousand years have passed and today the harvesting is happening.
Have I been harvested, sealed with the words and do I belong to the promised nation of the twelve tribes? (Rv 14; Rv 7).
Have I received the twelve blessings in Revelation 2 and 3, and do I know the one who overcomes to whom God, His Kingdom and Jesus will come to and be with? (Rv 3:12, 21).
Do I know the three mysteries of Revelation, the three plagues, and the three pastors?
In Rv 17 and 18, kings and people all drank the wine of adulteries and all nations fell. It is this very wine which the merchants of the earth traded and exchanged for great wealth. Do you know what kind of wine this wine of adulteries is, a wine for the wedding house of the devil?
In Rv 21, what is the difference between the new heaven and earth and first heaven and earth?
Am I a person of the new heaven and new earth or a person of the first heaven and the first earth? This happens all during the time of Revelation.
As described in Rv 22:18-19, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven if they add or take away words of the prophecy of Revelation, but instead receive plagues.
Have I truly not added to or taken away words from the book of Revelation?
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