Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), everyone’s deeds will be judged according to what is written in the book (Rev 20:12).
Catholicism emerged from Judaism, and Protestantism emerged from Catholicism. Now Protestants have splintered into hundreds if not thousands of denominations that each claim to be orthodox and to have received the holy spirit. Can this be true?

If you met Jesus’ messenger, would you listen to him? Would you persecute him as a heretic? You can hide from men, but you cannot hide from God. Let us become honest believers. Let us repent, understand the truth, believe, and be saved. People who have learned only the teachings of men cannot understand the word of revelation that is taught by the holy spirit. Just as Jesus and his disciples were persecuted in the time of the first coming, these people persecute the messenger sent by Jesus by calling him a cult leader. Today, this one messenger sent by Jesus has come into the world (Rev 10; Eze 2-3).